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You were in kindergarten when the two of you first met...

As you ran around the corner at recess that day you saw a couple of kids picking on a boy, you'd seen this boy before but never talked to him, he had black hair, skin almost as white as paper, and grey eyes. It enraged your child heart to see these kids picking on this boy.

"Awww are you actually that sad over a bird, ha you're so dumb," One of the kids said while pushing the boy who had something you couldn't quite see clutched to his chest.

"Hey cut it out!" You yell at the kids, "He can be sad about whatever he wants to, you're the dumb ones for picking on him like that!"

"I'm not dumb!" The same kid yells back

"Oh really, ya know being a jerk is dumb!" You snap back

The kid gasps and storms off, the others follow him.

"Th-Thank you...." The boy mumbles glancing at you and then what he's holding.

"No problem!" You smile, "So, whatcha got there?"

"Those dummies hurt a cute little birdie... The one you yelled at kicked it." He looked a mixture of sad and angry as he held the bird.

"They hurt it?! That's so mean..." You looked at the bird with sorrow, "Is there any way I can help?"

He looked genuinely surprised at your offer, "You wanna help me take care of it?"

"Yeah! Nobody should hurt cute animals."

His whole face lit up, "Sure!"

Just then the bird sat up in his hands and proceeded to fly away, seeming perfectly fine. At first, the boy was surprised but then he had a really happy expression as he waved to it and it flew out of sight.

"Yay, it's okay!" You say with excitement then turn to the boy, "Oh yeah! I'm (y/n) (y/l/n)! What's your name?"

"I'm Gundham Tanaka..." He seemed shy 

"Let's be friends Gundham!" You say as you grab his hands

He silently nods in agreement he was very timid but you could tell he was very happy.


As years passed the two of you became best friends, doing almost everything together, studying, playing, taking care of animals, etc. you did your best during this time to keep bullies from picking on him but unfortunately, you couldn't be there all the time to help him. Although he could stand up for himself he didn't often and preferred just to stay away from other people as much as he could. After school the two of you would go to your house do your homework together and then play your favorite fantasy game in the backyard, it was always a blast.

The two of you stood feet apart from each other staring each other down the both of you carrying sticks.

"So we meet again Dark Lord..." You say getting in what you assumed was a fighting stance.

"Ah Angel, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He laughs crossing his arms confidently

"You know why I'm here, your dark power must be stopped in the name of the light!"

"Then give it everything you've got." 

The two of you run at each other and make fighting noises as you hit your sticks against each other. Eventually, you end up lightly tapping his arm with yours as he lets out an audibly fake cry of pain falling to his knees.

"It's over Dark Lord! I'm finishing this here and now!" You point your stick at him

He starts laughing "You think I would let you win that easily, you'd be a fool to think such things, go my hell hound!" He yells pointing back at you 

The Promise We Made {Gundham TanakaX!Female Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن