Chapter Eight: The Dare.

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It was Saturday night, and over the last few days you had been thinking about why you've been feeling these things and Ibuki was right, you had begun to have romantic feelings toward Gundham. Although you'd never tell him, you knew how you felt, it made you happy to just be around him and see him happy.

That weekend the girls had planned a sleepover in Sonia's dorm, you didn't know whether or not to go but you didn't really want to be left out so you just went. 

You arrived on time and pressed the doorbell.

The door swung open to reveal Sonia "(y/n)! You made it!" She hugged you and dragged you in. If you wanted to back out you didn't have a chance anymore.

It seemed relatively tame, and Sonia's dorm was really well decorated, Chiaki sat on the futon with her Game Girl in hand as always but gave a short wave to you as you were pulled in. Ibuki was painting Akane's nails black.

"Wait what do you mean I can't touch anything for an hour!? That means I can't eat!" She yelled out in disappointment.

"Jeez, Akane quit complaining! It's not like you don't eat all the time anyway!" Hiyoko snapped

"Don't get mad at Ibuki for doing what you asked her to!" Ibuki pouted

Mikan seemed to be staying away from Hiyoko and rebandaging her arm while lightly repeating the word "bandage wrap"

Mahiru was just laying out her sleeping bag and it seemed like Peko was pretty much avoiding everyone.

"This seems interesting." You said unsure of really what to do

"We are just getting started! Chiaki and I planned many fun things for us to do tonight!" Sonia clapped her hands together in excitement 

"Now that everyone's here we should get started." Chiaki stood up from where she was seated.


The night was filled with the typical sleepover activities and you had to admit you were having fun! You'd never been the type to really take part in these types of events but now getting to have this experience with the other girls was nice.

"Alright! It is time for a staple sleepover activity! Truth or Dare!" Sonia seemed really happy to be playing this game.

"Wooo! Let's do it!" Ibuki cheered

Everyone sat down and got comfy. 

Sonia started off the game, "Mahiru, truth or dare!"

"Um.. I'll go with... Dare I guess." She responded

Sonia's eyes lit up, "Show us the worst photo you've ever taken!" 

"I- okay. Just don't make fun of me for it." Mahiru seemed a bit embarrassed as she pulled out her camera and scrolled to an image. The picture wasn't even that bad, it was just a little blurry but that was it.

"Oh wow. Okay, now it's your turn." Sonia smiled

"Akane, truth or dare?" Mahiru asked

"HECK YEAH DARE ME!" Akane responded

The game proceeded with a couple of exciting secrets spilled and people doing dumb things. You started with a dare and Hiyoko forced you to hold a headstand as long as you could... You fell after barely a second... And when it got back to you, you went with truth. Ibuki made you spill your guts on your music taste, a few of the girls seemed to be surprised. 

Eventually, Sonia was the one choosing.

"(y/n), truth or dare?" She asked

"Um... Dare." You responded

"Follow me. Everyone else stay here." Sonia stood up and walked out of the room and you followed her confused.

She closed the door behind her. 

"So what's the dare?" You ask

"What are you trying to do?" Her tone did a whole 180 she seemed angry at you for some reason

"What do you mean?"

"I did everything to get him to notice me! And you... You swoop in and destroy everything! Even during the soup incident." She backed you up against the hallway wall as she berated you

"I don't know what you're talking about! Nothing even happened with me and him then!" 

"Don't you DARE play dumb now! I saw everything! While I was playing the helpless damsel, you got his attention by trying to leave." She spat

You stood there confused and scared, you didn't know what or who she was talking about. "Look I don't know what you're talking about, I don't remember anything happening during that time!"

"Then you don't remember how Gundham slammed you against a wall and when he tried to turn away you kissed him. Of course, because that would be so convenient." She sounded sarcastic and spiteful

You didn't know how to comprehend what was just told to you, did all that stuff actually happen? The only response that tumbled from your mouth was "What?"

"You heard me, you dolt! Your dare (y/n) (y/l/n), is to back off Gundham. I don't even want to hear about you looking in his general direction again! got it?"

Your blood boiled with every word that came out of her mouth "He's my best friend! I'm not just gonna leave him like that!" your voice came out choked you were trying not to cry.

"You have other friends, and trust me if I catch you breaking the terms of this dare it'll be a lot worse than this." She pushed you into the wall before putting back on her polite smile and walking back into the room.

Meanwhile, you slid to a seated position against the wall, partially shocked about what you just heard and wondering how you got into this situation. You slightly remembered what happened before you actually passed out during the soup incident but now you had a complete image of what happened. You could feel hot streams of liquid rolling down your cheeks.

'That's why he was trying to apologize. Damnit. Why didn't he tell me? I probably should have been the one apologizing... But he kissed back didn't he? It's not like I even have the right anymore to think about that... Of course, this happens right after I realize how I feel...' You shook your head 'NO! I'm done letting people walk all over me! I will not abandon my best friend! Not again! Not after fate made us meet again like this...'  You put both of your hands up to your face and smacked your cheeks. You didn't care what she would do to you if she caught you still talking to Gundham, it didn't matter. You knew it would destroy him if you began avoiding him so you weren't going to.

This is not actually how I feel Sonia would be, it's an idea that was given to me by my boyfriend. I thought that it was a good idea for a narrative so I used it. ~Re

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