Chapter One: Everyone's Dream School.

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After you moved you eventually moved on from that friendship and just as your mom said you were able to make good friends at the new school. Sometimes you still thought of the times you used to play with Gundham as a child but now that's just a faded memory. By now it was almost the end of your last year of middle school, everyone was talking about where they'd be going to high school, some hoping to go to a local one and others wanting to go a bit further away although there was always one that everyone seemed to want to go to. Hopes Peak Academy, a top school filled with only the most elite of students, the school invites people from all around Japan to attend as long as they have some kind of ultimate talent, or at least up until recently. The school had ended up opening up a reserve course for students without talents, the catch was they charged like crazy to get in, but people were willing to pay for it just to hopefully get a leg up in life for having gone to the academy. You never really understood why people would go so far as to pay that much just for something that isn't even guaranteed, but people did it. Right now you were sitting in a cafe with one of your new friends who definitely seemed a bit pissed off about something. 

"Are you doing okay?" You ask your friend

"Why do they make the damn reserve course so expensive... God, I better discover I have some ungodly amazing talent soon, or else I may just blow a gasket."  She said setting her phone down on the table looking annoyed.

"I'm sure you'll find something you can do well, I could help you if you want." You say happily.

"(y/n) seriously you're too giving sometimes, shouldn't you be trying to find out if you have any kind of ultimate talent? I mean we're basically gonna be competing to get in." She sighed

"Oh Yui, you have it all wrong, I don't plan on trying to get into Hopes Peak. Sure it sounds like a good experience and would do a lot for any future careers I want but I don't know... if it takes this much to just be considered I'd rather not try for it." You say bluntly

"What? Going to Hopes Peak could literally change your life and you're not even gonna try for the reserve course!?" Yui gasps

"You said it yourself, the reserve course costs too much, I couldn't force my parents to pay that..." 

"Hmmmm... Ya know, your always just able to tell how someones feeling with uncanny accuracy, maybe its a talent?" Yui suggested

"What? No way, even if it was considered a talent there's no way Hopes Peak recruiters would even think to study it." You shook your head

"mmm... What would my talent be though... I'm not great at much... HEY! Maybe I'll win that raffle thing they hold every year! My luck is pretty good, I've got a fighting chance!" She laughed

"Yui isn't one of the requirements to actually be enrolled in a high school, maybe you should think about that before you plan for your life at Hopes Peak." You laugh

"Right... I'm probably just gonna go to one of the ones nearby, I don't plan to stay long so it won't matter to me too much. So where are you going if not Hopes Peak"

"I've applied to a couple of local schools, possibly one of them."

"So you're just as clueless as I am."

"No, because I've actually sent out my applications, unlike you"

"Yeah I know I'll get on it..."

You check the time on your phone then stand up "Well I'll be off, I've gotta meet with Riku for a little while, he said he has something urgent he needs help with."

"Yeah, yeah, go off and give your mental health help. I'll just be working on those applications."

"Have fun." You say picking up your school bag and preparing to leave

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