Chapter Sixteen: Lighter Feeling.

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"Are you alright?" A soft voice spoke up from just outside of your vision, "It looked like she grabbed your shoulder pretty hard..." 

You turned your head to see Chiaki standing there, it seemed she'd seen all of what just happened. 

"I- No I'm fine. It's just a bit sore." You laughed trying to brush off the topic.

"She looked pretty mad. What happened between you two?" She asked the question you had been dreading, it didn't seem like she heard any of what was said though.

"It was just a dumb argument, don't worry about it." You said hoping it would satiate her curiosity.

"Okay." Chiaki's curt response was refreshing as she sleepily walked past you looking back down at her handheld console.

You continued your walk back to the elevator uninterrupted, when it opened you stepped aside so that Nekomaru could walk past. The short ride back to your floor was gladly uneventful and you stepped out beginning to head to your room silently waving to Mikan as you put your keycard up to your door lock. Once inside your room, your phone rang as if on cue. You checked the caller id, it was Yui, you answered as quickly as you could. You and Yui had kept in touch the entire time you were there and you had talked to her about nearly everything, aside from the details of the situation between you, Sonia, and Gundham. It was really nice to get to talk to her every once in a while.

"Hey, girlie! How's the trip?" She sounded excited to hear all about how things were.

"Hey! Yeah, things are pretty good, had another encounter with that jealous girl I'd talked about before." You began to explain.

"Oh. My. God. Spill the tea bitch! I wanna know what happened!!" She sounded to shift how she was sitting over the small speaker on your phone.

She knew of the situation, but you never told her that Sonia had attacked you, or the names of anyone else involved. When you told her that you and Gundham had started dating she practically screeched in glee, although she was kind of confused as to why you listened to 'the jealous girl' in the first place, you had explained that she had a lot of influence but didn't go into any detail.

"So yeah she definitely knows that me and my childhood friend are dating now, but I doubt that she'll try to come after me, I mean the guy and a few other friends already know how she threatened me." You spoke trying to do your best to avoid the fact that Sonia had actually acted on her threat.

"Shit, dude I'd just kick her ass at this point. Just watch her try to do anything to my bestie, I'll take her out." Yui said with enthusiasm.

"I don't know man, you could get in a lot of trouble for even saying your gonna do that to this girl- Anyway how are you doing?" You asked wanting to avoid the topic.

"I'm doing pretty good, my life isn't as eventful as yours though. I did begin talking to that one girl I told you about before, turns out we actually had a lot in common." She said that her life wasn't as interesting as yours but you listened to every word as if it was.

After a little while, it was time for you to hang up, you wished her well on her date and ended the call. You missed her and your other friends a lot but she was the only one who really called that often anymore, you'd text your other friends sometimes but would hardly get a reply.

You hadn't had much of an idea of what to do that day, but you sure as heck weren't going to stay in the hotel room all day. You made sure you had everything you needed and headed to the elevator for the third time that day, the short ride was again uneventful. You walked to the front door of the hotel with no real plan of where you were going, you just chose a direction and began walking. As you walked the small drops of rain began to soak your hair and clothes, you didn't mind much though, you took in a deep breath and let out all the stress you'd held in on the exhale taking in the calming setting. The beaches were pretty much empty, and on the street you could see a few passersby carrying umbrellas so that they didn't get wet. You had unfortunately forgotten an umbrella, you didn't expect much rain during the trip, you were wrong. 

In a moment your peaceful walk had been interrupted by a person approaching from behind you, their vibe was calm and caring, you knew that you were in no danger. As soon as they reached you they allowed you under their umbrella. 

"You shouldn't allow yourself to be soaked in this weather." Gundham spoke calmly.

"I mean it's not like I'm gonna melt." You joked and turned to him smiling.

"You do seem to be quite the water type." He joked back, the two of you walking side by side, "How are you doing this morning my angel?" 

"I'm doing well, I was gonna run to the supermarket to buy an umbrella but I guess you beat me to that. How are you?" You smiled.

"Aside from the earlier scare, I am doing quite well this morning as well." 

"Yeah, sorry about that-" You sighed.

"Did she give you any trouble this morning?" He asked an aura of concern engulfing the both of you.

"She did but I handled it on my own without being hurt."

He only seemed to become more concerned at your explanation silently asking you to go into more detail.

"She just kinda grabbed me as I was leaving the dining area and chastised me for a second and I pretty much told her off and she left." You explained.

"I apologize that I wasn't there to help." Gundham sighed.

"No it's okay, don't worry. I'm actually glad that I was able to handle it on my own." You tried to cheer him up.

"I am just glad that you are okay." He smiled at you.

The two of you just walked around the island together making conversation, while Gundham kept you shielded from the rain with his umbrella. You two stopped for lunch eventually at a small restaurant, It was pretty decent but afterward, you both went back to walking around the island. It stopped raining shortly thereafter though as the slight bits of sun peered through the clouds it was noticeable the day was almost over. You liked to be able to just relax in with him like this. After a while, a small gust of wind blew past your duo and you shivered at the chill of the evaporating water on your clothes being cooled by the wind. Gundham seemed to quickly take notice he silently stopped, removing his jacket and covering you with it. This surprised you as you silently reveled in the sudden warmth.

"I do not want you to catch a cold." He looked off to the side as a slight pink tone came to his cheeks.

"Thank you." You blushed a little putting your arms through the sleeves.

"It is no problem." He was giving off a very nervous aura as he scanned how you looked in his jacket, "We should head back to the hotel, it seems that time before our planned outing is running short."

"Yeah, let's go." You said happily.

Gundham looked directly at you wrapped up in his jacket before looking away and mumbled something you couldn't quite hear then put out his hand to you dipping his face into his scarf. He was silently asking if you would want to hold his hand. You smiled and silently accepted grabbing his hand and mutually intertwining your fingers with his even though it wasn't way too special it still made everything feel just a bit lighter. You could tell that he felt the same way as the two of you walked down the path back to the hotel. 

Hello again folks, if you have been around since before the hiatus you'd know I normally try to post a new chapter every Wednesday at whatever time I get to post it. From here on I plan to stick to the same schedule even though I did end up posting the last chapter on Saturday. So, yay, two chapters this week, that probably won't happen often. ~Re

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