Chapter Five: Budding Feelings

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Everybody had been showing up for a while now, things were actually going really well too. Over the next couple of days, you couldn't stop thinking about that moment with Gundham while you were cleaning. Thinking about it brought this fluttery feeling to your stomach, your heart would pound against your chest, and somehow you always ended up smiling like an idiot. You had a slight idea why this was happening but you didn't want to admit if it was true.

Akane and Nekomaru announced they were gonna train a bit that morning.  You didn't want to get caught in the crossfire so you sat down by the wall closest to the door. You fell into a daze again while the two were stretching and warming up, your mind drifted off to the moment with Gundham by the shelf reliving it over again until it was cut off by Ibuki who was sitting next to you.

"Oooooo! Ibuki knows that look! (y/n)! Were you thinking of someone you're crushing on!" She was being as loud as normal and you were sure it was bringing at least some attention your way

"What? No! I- I'm not crushing on anyone. I was just thinking about something I remember fondly." You tried to lie

"Nope Ibuki knows! It was the same look Kazuichi has when he looks at Sonia!" She was assured in her opinion

"HEY! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT!?" Kazuichi yelled from a couple of feet away

"Who was it (y/n)!? Tell me! Tell m-" This time she was cut off by a sudden burst, whatever happened it was strong enough to break the far wall of the classroom. 

Akane and Nekomaru started their sparring match. The two were going at it and the sub made a call to Yukisome all worried then fainted while everyone else was trying not to get hit with debris or trying to help her.

When Yukisome ran in Akane had been thrown into the wall, Yukisome scolded Nekomaru for destroying the classroom while roughhousing, but after his explanation, she stood down.

"And so the world fell. Room by room." Gundham sighed

"She's seriously gonna let them continue?" You questioned

"I guess so.." Ibuki answered

When you looked back at the action Akane was drinking some green liquid from a bottle handed to her by Teruteru. All of a sudden her muscles grew larger and she seemed more energized then she went to attack Nekomaru again 'What did I do to get into a situation like this...'  You sat there dumbfounded not really paying attention to your surroundings when you began focusing again there was a protractor flying straight toward you, it was too close already to dodge but in the split second before it hit you someone smacked it the other way. 

"GAH! That was close..." You looked up to see who saved you, you were pleasantly surprised as to who it was. Gundham.

"Are you alright?" He knelt beside you 

"Yeah... Thanks. You really saved me there. I should pay more attention in situations like this..." You rambled

"That is good" He stood back up and yet again you realized you were blushing

'Wow, he really saved me... Shit (y/n) pay attention before he has to do it again!' You looked back up at him and he seemed to tense up a bit.

*Seconds ago Gundham's POV*

Akane drank a potion from Teruteru and again attacked Nekomaru, the two began fighting vigorously causing objects to fly all around the room. I looked down at (y/n) she seemed to be deep in thought, that face she'd make when she's lost in thought was kind of cute... She had a similar expression when I reached over her the other day. I was about to reimagine the moment when I noticed an object heading straight for her, she hadn't moved to evade. I don't know why but my instinct took over and I knocked it away with my hand.

"GAH! That was close..." She sounded shocked and looked up at me with surprise.

I wasn't sure if I had gotten it in time so I knelt to see if she was okay. She thanked me and rambled a bit 'she must be pretty shaken, I should leave her alone to calm down' 

"That is good" I cut off the conversation by standing up

I glanced back down at her for a second 'Has (y/n)'s face always been so red? She must have been embarrassed having to be saved like that. Although it was adorable seeing how she started rambling about me saving her... What are you thinking! This is not the way a dark lord thinks of a mortal!' I noticed her beginning to turn her head to look my way, I averted my eyes to make it seem like I wasn't staring and focused back on what was happening with Nekomaru and Akane.

*Second Person POV*

You felt someone turn you around while gasping.

"Ibuki knows who it is!" Ibuki whisper-yelled

"What? Who?" You reply

"It's Gundham! Ibuki has used her observing skills and when you looked at him just now you had the same look as before!!" She tried to sound like a detective 

"What are you talking about!? No. He's just a friend." You denied

"So what your saying is you haven't realized your own feelings yet!?" Ibuki gasps again

After she was done talking the commotion between Akane and Nekomaru had ended both were on the ground with no energy to continue fighting and looking considerably beat up. Shortly after Yukisome dismissed the rest of the class. 

The next day everyone was tasked with rebuilding the classroom... and let's just say nobody there was an ultimate architect... It looked decent for having been done by 16 teenagers though 15 after Mahiru left, she said something about eating lunch with a friend. At the end, Chiaki had a surprise for everyone. You'd all get to play some multiplayer games that she'd brought and she had Kazuichi put together a large TV to play them on. Everyone was hyped for videogames Gundham and a few others were playing a fighting game together while a few others watched Yukisome came in to see what was going on and they explained. Akane won the first match, then it was you Ibuki and Kazuichi playing her next.

Of course, watching and playing games was fun and all but you needed something to eat. That's when the door slid open, the aroma of something delicious filled your nostrils as Teruteru explained his creation and Hiyoko decided to simplify the name. You didn't care what it was called it was food made by the ultimate cook! It had to be good! you couldn't wait to dig in. It tasted so heavenly you couldn't help but shovel in bite after bite although you weren't eating as fast as Akane who at this point has asked for multiple seconds. Once you were finished you were stuffed, but something felt off. Not just with you but with the whole room. You didn't like the feeling you began to have.

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