Ch 24

813 47 21

The news of Joe, Stress and Bdubs's death spread like wildfire. And despite large amounts of healing aid, Cleo passed away a few days later from her injuries. 

Having watched the zombie die, Scar was devastated. In the days after, he'd spent a lot of time at Cub's pyramid, blurting out every single thing he felt to the sympathetic and rather annoyed pharaoh. Annoyed, not at the mayor, but at the constant surprise attacks from NPC Grian. 

'Will you stop jump-scaring me?!' Cub cried with frustration as the robot leapt psychopathically from a corner. Again. 'And please return the stolen arrows and bows from Targét. I can't keep replacing them!' 

'Or I could kill you,' 

'Cub... I would strongly recommend that you run...' Suggested Scar, who was on another visit to the pharaoh. 

'Don't worry! As soon as this thief has returned my property, everything will be-'

NPG aimed a blow at Cub. The pharaoh quickly flew out the way, before he was wounded. The robot turned to Scar. 

'Don't kill me...' He whimpered. 'I don't want to be killed...' 

'Hey! Metal-face! I'm over here!' Cub called from his position in the air. 'Don't bother with that idiot! He's too dumb to kill!' 

'Thanks Cub!' The mayor yelled sarcastically. 

'No problem!' 

NPC Grian took to the air after the pharaoh, who hastily fled towards Targét. Scar ran after the flying pair, nervous for his friend. 

The robot landed, confused about where his enemy had gone. But Cub poked his head out from somewhere, waving to him. 

'Hey! NPG! There's a shulker box to return your stolen items to over here!' 

NPC Grian rocketed over, and the pharaoh dodged out of the way. The robot took a crossbow from a chest and fired a few arrows. 

'Again! Stealing even more stuff! This is outrageous! Someone stop this burglar!' Cub yelled. 

'Stay still so I can murder you!' NPG retorted. 

'Nope! Always better to practice on a moving target!' The pharaoh flew back out of Targét, into the main room, looped around a few times, and landed next to Scar. 

'What are you doing?!' The mayor questioned confusedly. Cub smiled knowingly, grabbing his trident. 

'When he comes again, I'll hit him and demand for all Targét property to be returned to its rightful home. I mean, he can't keep stealing it, can he?'

'Yes, he can.' 

'Come on, Scar! Don't tell me you support this ruffian!' 

'Never do, never would.' 

'Good! Now, if you grab your own trident, we can both hit him!' 

'Sure thing, Cub...' 

Scar found a random trident in his ender chest and aimed it to shoot. But NPG was cleverer, and jumped out behind the two.

'Got you!' He hissed, grabbing Scar by the back of his mayoral outfit. 

'Cub! Help!'


The pharaoh swung his sword, just as the mayor dropped to the ground. NPC Grian's hand was cut cleanly off. The robot screamed with pain and fury. 

'Now he's angry...' Cub noted, stepping away.

'I noticed...' Scar replied faintly. 

'You will PAY!'

'No, you will. If you want those bows and arrows, you'll need to give me diamonds!' Cub corrected. 

With a screech of wrath, NPG hurled himself at the pharaoh, who'd already chucked an ender pearl behind him. Both enemies returned to the air, Cub flying at the robot. 

'Right! If you won't give me my property back nicely, then I will get it back by force!' He yelled. NPC Grian fired an arrow back, and the pharaoh caught it. 

'Thanks! Can you give me some more?' 

'If you want.' 

A barrage of arrows shot towards Cub, who glided out the way. They stuck in the wall behind. 

The pharaoh threw a trident at NPG, and it was dodged easily. Once it had returned, he threw it again. 

'I'm tired of this chase! Can you just act like a normal person and Give. My. Stuff. Back!'

'I. Will. Murder. You. There's. No. Point!' 

'Nice joke!' Scar bellowed. When there was no reaction, he continued. 'Well, I thought it was good!' 

NPC Grian dived for the mayor, but Cub intersected.

'No, it's me you're giving the stuff to, not Scar!' 

The robot sliced at Cub, frustrated. Unlike every other attempt, it left a scratch. 

'That was rude!' The pharaoh protested. 'Why did you do that?' 

NPG aimed an arrow, and Cub flew out the way. The robot didn't stop aiming, following his enemy with scheming eyes. Finally, he let it go. 

The pharaoh didn't notice, but Scar did. He howled his friend's name and they turned, just in time for the arrow to stick through Cub's side. 


Also, I changed up Ch 20 to make Iskall's death even sadder. 

- Ember the murderer 

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