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You are officially invited to join my new server, Evolution!

I hope you want to join, you being there will make it so much better!

From, Grian

A pile of identical letters sat on Grian's desk. He finished writing the last one and sighed happily. His server would be a success, he was sure of it. All he had to do was post the invitations and...

'Grian! Hello! What're you doing?'

The builder turned around to see his friend, Taurtis. 

'You scared me! Don't sneak up on me like that!' But Grian was laughing, and swept his long blonde-brown hair off his face. Taurtis smiled. 

'What are these for?' The headphone wearing friend grabbed one of the invites and read it. 

'Hello! You are officially invited to join... since when did you have a server?'

'Since now! It's going to be really fun, I'm sure of it!'

'Am I invited?'

'If you want to be.'

'Might pop in at some point.'

Grian smiled again.

'I'll see you there then.'

A day later, a group of people, Grian included, stepped into their new server. Taurtis waved goodbye to them before they disappeared, before returning to his ordinary life.

Smoke rose from Evo as the watchers dived down to attack. Grian stood in front of a group, blocking the demonic 'Minecraft gods'. 

'You won't get us!' The builder vowed angrily. 'I'll protect them! And we will stop you!'

'We've waited ages to destroy this place. You will never stop us,' one watcher hissed. 

'Grian, we're losing!' Came a scared voice behind. The builder dared a glance back to see Netty, bleeding from a new cut. 'We can't fight them forever!'

'We'll win, I promise.'

'How do I know?'

'Netty! I swear you will make it through. I would do anything to protect Evo.'

'Anything?' Came the questioning voice of a watcher. 'Then join us.'


'Xelqua! Join us!'

'Why do you call me that?'

'Why can't I call you that. That shall be your name as a watcher. Now, join us or your precious server is destroyed.'


The watcher snapped their fingers, and the world disappeared. Grian was left in a bedrock-walled room with wings on his back and a mask in his hands. A shadow watched him, and the builder looked up. 

'You might want some of your stuff,, Xelqua.' They said, dropping a couple of boxes by Grian's feet. The builder opened the top one up, and crumpled. The box was empty. 

Except a bloody pair of headphones. 

'No... NO!'

'Sacrifices had to be made.' 

A torn silver hoodie was thrown at Grian. He caught it and sobbed. 


'She and that tortoise guy refused to come quietly. As I said, sacrifices had to be made.'

'Why did you kill them?' Grian's voice was full of seething fury. 

'I can't have people finding out what I did. Now, put on the mask and join us.'

'I will never join this group of monsters!'

Grian stood up, grabbed his stuff and ran. The boxes slowed him down, but he didn't care. With a flap of his wings he rose into the air, speeding his travel up. 

The watchers followed, faster and deadlier. But Grian was cleverer. Using his new watcher magic, he blasted a rift in the universe and soared through, as everything went dark. 

Forgotten monsters (Hermitcraft and Evo Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz