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'No! I never wanted him to! Oh my goodness, I feel so bad...' Grian began weeping and Cub looked like he wanted to comfort the builder. But it was his own fault. He deserved to be upset.

'You should probably get punished for causing a Permadeath.' Cub spoke again. 'And I don't want to seem mean, and horrible, but you need to tell Ren and Bdubs what happened.'

'The closest Hermits to him... Can't you punish me another way?'

'This is for the best. It's not exactly like you just stole something from another shop. This is permadeath. It's really serious.'

'I know...'

'And death in the void is supposed to be really painful and slow. Well, that's from what I heard and saw.'


'And what you said... that was really stupid and careless of you.'

'I KNOW THAT WHAT I DID WAS WRONG!' Grian yelled. Cub stepped back. 

'Grian. Calm down. You've been getting angry a lot lately.'

'Maybe because everything seems to be my fault - the symbol, my existence...'

'Don't be so hard on yourself. Now, you won't have to tell anyone else. I can tell the others.'

'Thanks... I'll go do it now. I hope they don't blame me too much.'

An hour later Grian sat unhappily on a bough of the highest tree in the jungle. He tried not to look at anyone's base. The thought from other's reactions made him feel ill. 

Something behind the builder blocked the light, and someone sat down. Iskall. 

'You ok?'

'No... I guess you heard what happened?'

'Nope. What happened?'

'I told Doc to jump in the void and he did. Then Cub confronted me, forcing me to tell Ren and Bdubs. Neither took it well.'

'I'm omega sorry.'

'Bdubs just shouted at me, blaming me for everything. Ren was silent. I don't know which was worse.' Grian teared up again, and Iskall gave him a hug. The builder smiled weakly. 

'You don't blame me for it?' 

'Of course not! Well, kind of. But I'm going to hate you for what you did. What was it you actually said?'

'I'd rather Xisuma die than you save him.'

'Wow. That's harsh.' But the swede didn't seem too accusative. 'But Doc was always going to snap at some point. He's had a hard life. I hate to say, I caused some of the pain myself.'

'What do you mean?'

'Before I joined Hermitcraft, I worked in a huge, dodgy experiment place. Doc was one of the experiments - human morphed with creeper. I was one of the ones that worked with him to make him 'the most dangerous monster ever'. Involved a whole lot of pain and imprisonment for him, and work for me. Stress was there too, but she came later. She was one of the 'monsters' herself. TestMonster101.'

'I wish I'd known more about him...'

'You can't un-burn diorite.' Iskall replied wisely. 

'I guess so... I just hope everyone stops hating me soon.'

'I don't hate you! You're just making some really stupid mistakes lately.'

'You're not helping...'

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