Ch 10

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'Grian. Come and burn some diorite with me.' 

The builder turned around from his hunched position to see iskall, holding a stack of his block-nemesis and flint and steel.

'Go away, Iskall. I'm not in the mood. I'll only end up making you hate me too.'

The swede refused to give up and sat down beside his friend. 

'And I feel really guilty because Scar was really kind to me and helped me... then I blew it by getting mad at him for something he was probably right about...' Grian mumbled. 

'Grian, sometimes I wonder why we call Mumbo a spoon and not you.' Iskall replied as kindly as he could. The builder glared at him. 

'Again, you're not helping.'

'Why are you getting upset about everything?'

'I'm stressed, tired, I feel like everyone hates me, Xisuma's half dead, I keep making stupid mistakes...'

'Everyone makes mistakes.'

'How many of your mistakes resulted in a permadeath?' Grian retorted.

'That's not the point! You're a brilliant person, Grian. You can build amazing things, invent storylines from nothing, really kind, fun, and you always make me laugh... I refuse to accept your self-hate, and will always be here for you, no matter what.'

'Go tell that to everyone I shouted at...' but Grian was still smiling at the comment. He gave Iskall a hug, and the swede hugged back. 

'There. Now, let's calm down by burning diorite together.'

'Any other options?'

'It was that or end busting, but I realised I have enough shulkers, and the birdpoo was slowly creeping up on me.'

'Let's burn the diorite then.'

Iskall made a fire, and Grian searched through all his chests for the grey-white block. He found a disgusting amount, and began throwing it onto the fire one piece at a time. 

'I see why you like doing this, Iskall. It's really calming...'

'Nothing like watching bird poop burn.' The swede replied.

Grian threw on a couple more pieces of diorite, and it sizzled to nothing in seconds. A whole stack entered the pyre next. It took an unfortunately short amount of time for all time diorite to be gone, but it was enough time to cheer up the builder. 

'Thanks, Iskall. You're a great friend.'

'Happy to help my architech bro.'

Grian's smile wavered as he thought of Mumbo. The two hadn't spoken since the mayor race, but apparently the redstoner had fixed Grumbot in his absence. The thought made him feel betrayed. 

'Thinking about Mumbo?' The swede asked, seeing the change in emotion.


'You should talk to him too.' 

'I know... but he seems fine on his own. He has Grumbot for company, after all.' A bitter tone entered Grian's voice. 

'Right. You're going to see him right now, and this time I will stay to make sure you don't start yelling at him.' Iskall sounded tetchy, like he was bored of the builder's friendship issues. He threw the last bit of diorite on the fire, smothered it, and half-dragged Grian out of the base.

'Wait! Scar stole my elytra! Don't try and fly!'

Iskall stopped, and took a spare, un-enchanted elytra from his ender chest, throwing it to the builder. It was quickly equipped, and they both flew over to where the third Sahara-builder made his home. 

'Oh look, he isn't here, let's go back to my base.' Grian stated as they landed. Iskall groaned, pulling him along, into the IBBBBBBBBIBI, where the moustached man was standing. 

'Hello, Iskall!' Mumbo greeted, ignoring the sulking Grian. 

'Hallo... Grian wants to talk to you. I'll just wait outside.' The swede flew out, letting the two former friends have some privacy. 

'So...' Mumbo prompted. 

'Iskall wants me to get on good terms with you again, so he forced me to come here.' 

'Makes sense.'

'I see you fixed Grumbot.'

'Yep. Iskall didn't ruin him too much, just changed the voice output. Didn't take long to repair.'

'You said that before he had a mental breakdown...'

'But I did fix him this time...'

'Fine. I don't want to argue with you.'

'Now that's sorted out, do you mind if I ask about Doc?'

Grian stiffened, before sighing and sitting down. 

'What is it you want to know?'

'Why you didn't tell me yourself.'

The question caught Grian unaware. 

'What do you mean?'

'I would rather hear the truth from you than from Cub. You're my friend, and former business partner. I would've understood.'

'It would've made it worse to see how you reacted. It was bad enough telling Iskall.'

'You told Iskall and not me?' Mumbo sounded genuinely hurt. 'How come he deserves the truth and I don't? Is it because of Grumbot?'

'It's because everything I do these days is wrong!' As much as he tried to avoid it, Grian was getting angry again. 'I can't seem to do anything right!'

'Grian... I don't want to argue either.'


At that moment, Iskall promptly re entered the in between bases base.

'Right! Time out for both of you! Mumbo, go fiddle with redstone or whatever. Grian, we're going back to burning diorite.'

'But... we burnt it all...'

'I found some more.'

Iskall left the base, and Grian had no choice but to follow, leaving Mumbo alone. 

'What was that?' The swede was clearly in a bad mood. 'Why were you shouting?'

'It's the only thing I'm good at...'

'Grian! Shut up!'

'Great... now you hate me too.'

Iskall grabbed Grian's arm. He pulled away instinctively, hiding the pain. The swede noticed and gripped lighter.

'What happened?'

'Some monster that's now Scar's best friend...'

'You should really tell people about your problems! It's better than hiding it all and building up the emotions.'

'Tell me something I haven't heard!'

'Grian... I want to help you omega badly...'

'It's funny.'

'What is?'

'You think you're a good liar.'

Grian flew away, and Iskall was left alone. The builder was seething. No one was helping. He wished someone on this stupid server cared for him. He wanted them to learn. Learn what it felt to feel infinitely guilty. 

He was going to enter the cave, and hope it killed him. 

I like cliffhangers too much. 

I also made a poll:

Forgotten monsters (Hermitcraft and Evo Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang