ch 12

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It took a while for Xisuma to wake up properly. But he was conscious, and aware of everything hurting. Stage two of waking up was harder. Opening his eyes. It took a ridiculous number of attempts to achieve the simple activity, but at last the admin's eyes were open. Another thing that took a while was figuring out that he was in his own base. Not half-dead in a cave. He frequently got the two mixed up. 

Stress was also there, frantically putting something in chat. It appeared a moment later, popping up on his holographic screen. 

XISUMA IS AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The admin would've laughed if it didn't hurt. 

'How... How long has it been?' X's voice was cracked, and he croaked out the words. Stress looked at him.

'Weeks... We thought you'd died at several points...' 


That's why she was so excited. 

'Anything happened while I was busy not dying?' 

'Bad stuff... Lots of bad stuff...' Stress seemed close to tears, and sat down as she controlled her emotions. Before she could, Etho and Keralis arrived. 

'SHASHWAMMY!' The wider-eyed of the two yelled delightedly, running over to hug his friend. Etho held him back.

'I know you're excited to see X, but I don't think hugging someone who broke several ribs is a good idea.' The Canadian commented. 


'It's ok... Now, what happened? I asked Stress and she became very upset. So I know that it was very bad.'

'The worst... Doc... after an argument with Grian he... he...' But Keralis couldn't finish. Etho did it for him.

'Doc jumped in the void.'

The admin was silent. He looked at the floor, and wiped away a tear, before realising. 

'Wait... my helmet...'

'It was destroyed.'

'So you've all seen...' 

'It couldn't be helped.'

'Love your face' Keralis added. 'It's a very good face.' 

'Thank you.' Xisuma laughed back, half awkwardly. He wasn't used to being without his helmet. 

'I guess I should do a face reveal too, if you've just done one!' Etho responded jokingly.

'Yeah... jeez, this is weird...'

'Weird seeing you helmet-less... where'd the scar come from?'

'Prefer not to say...'

Xisuma sighed, uncomfortable. 

'What's Grian's comment about?' He turned the attention to the chat again. Stress gasped with mourning. 

'Ok... I hadn't seen that.' Etho noted, scared. 'Why's he done that?'

'He was really unhappy after the incident with Doc... I didn't realise it got that bad... Oh, I should've done something...' Stress wept. But another comment came up in chat before she could delve too deep into sadness.

Don't worry, I'm with Grian. He's alive, but we're both badly hurt. We're stuck in the cave. I think it might collapse on us. 

It was from Iskall, and sent Stress flying straight out the window. Xisuma went as if to join her, but Etho gently pushed him back into a lying position. 

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