Chapter 7

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Adhira's outfit for school above ^^

Adhira P.O.V

I hold my hands in my sweatshirt as I calmly walk through the halls. My brown hair was up in a low bun and no makeup on my face.

"Isn't miss perfect?" Marley laughs along with her minions.

"Maybe try to be cool." She smiles and takes away my science book.

"Give it back." I scoff and try to take it away from her. 

"Is someone on their period?" She tilts her head and rolls her eyes.

I was not in the mood for this today or really any day. Though I didn't want to stand in with all these people, I wanted to stand out.

Truth be told I never really got my period. If I did I couldn't tell my dad since that would be embarrassing and I also didn't have a friend to help me get through the cramps I heard you have from it.

The bell rings and I was left in the middle of the hallway with no books or notebooks. Fuck my life.

I still walked to science class though. I could just explain to Ms. Colleen that someone took my stuff. She'll get it and she'll know who it is. I didn't need to tell her though and I didn't need people saying anything else about me.

"Adhira welcome to class." Ms. Colleen smiles and takes a seat in front of the class.

"Yea sorry umm-."I was cut off by Marley laughing at me.

"Where is your stuff?" She creases her eyebrows and I took a deep breath in.

"Oh right, I need to go." I shutter walking back down the hall with my hands in my yellow sweatshirt.

I slid down my locker to the ground and held my knees to my chest. I leaned my head and closed my eyes wondering what it would be like if I had a normal life.

I fell asleep thinking about the one person I shouldn't though.

I felt myself being picked up into someone's arms. The feeling of being warm and snuggled into this person more. His chest get hard, but I was comforting.

Once the person stopped walking I was placed onto a bed. Well it was probably the nurses bed in the office. Yuck.

The piece of my hair was being tucked behind my ear. His soft skin rubbing the side of my face, but his hand was rough. I acted like I was still asleep so I would feel this person do something else....maybe.

I felt the hand back off of me and the air cold. I opened my eyes and saw the person's back walking out the room before I could even think about talking to him.

"Ms. Addison nice to see your okay." Mrs. Maple announces throwing her arms in the air.

"Sorry-." I hesitated saying, but laid right back down as my head started hurting.

"Adhira it's time you rest, I called your father he's on the way." She smiles getting her thermometer putting it under my tongue.

I laid there for a minute before the thing beeped and she told me I had a fever. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling trying not to think of everything in the world.

"Who carried me here?" I crease my eyebrows and squinted as the light felt like it was getting brighter.

"Well that person would like to remain anonymous." She laughed and picked up the phone that was ringing.

"Okay yes she is okay." She smiles and holds my book bag up.

I walked slowly putting it around my shoulders. I limped out of the room since there was a sudden pain in my leg.

The hall was crowded with smelly teenagers and over perfumed girls. I rolled my eyes walking to the front doors. My dad waited for me talking with Ms. Colleen.

"There you are Sweetie!" He says happily wrapping his arms around me. I smiled and returned the hug.

"I hope you feel better Adhira." Ms. Colleen smiles and touches my arm before she walks back into school.

I felt someone's eyes on me as me and my dad start to walk to the car. The red Lamborghini held Apollo on the roof of it with one foot straight out and one up to his chest. The vape coming out of his mouth and the smell of watermelon filled the air.

His eyes met mine and he instantly watched every move I made. My dad unlocked the car opening the door for me. I made one last look at Apollo who blew out smoke.

This is torture.

Thank you for reading💕

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