Chapter 2

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Apollo above ;)

Adhira P.O.V

The door to my house was locked. My dad was probably in there sleeping on the couch drowning his sorrows in food.

"Hey dad!" I announce shutting the door quietly. I looked everywhere before I found him sleeping on the couch peacefully.

I sigh and clean up the lunch he had and threw away the leftovers. I walk back and put the soft black fuzzy blanket on him. He had a job, but every Wednesday he was off. I went to my room down the hall and got out my homework.

Once I got out my binder for science a note fell out of it.

Tell Dan I said hey.

I roll my eyes and leave it on the dresser next to my bed.

No homework.

I guess I was disappointed. She usually had enough grades for me to even get a grade for the last semester. I did exactly what she wanted and payed attention in class.

She usually writes notes like this for me and I appreciate her for it, but I enjoy science.

My phone started to ring and I look over confused. The phone I. D said Mrs. Colleen.

"Hey!" I say cheer fully into the phone.

"How are you?" She says into the phone and takes a deep breath in.

"I'm great, but I can't get Apollo to let me tutor him." I pout and look over my math homework making sure it's right.

"Well this might be weird, but you could go to his house." She chuckles and I heard a page flip from the other side.

"2234 Western Street." She announces and giggles at something.

"What is it with me asking him to? You seem obsessed." I smile and look out at the blue sky.

"Well you know he's nice when you get to know him, promise me. Well, I have to start packing up to go home now so see you tomorrow." She sighs and I heard a door close.

"Yeah I'll see you. Bye." I hang up the phone and grab my book bag and put it around my shoulder.

I carefully walk out the house and shut the door quietly. I got into the car and drove what felt like an hour. I got to a street with rich looking houses, but wasn't a gated community.

The house was brick and modern looking. I stood in awe as I got out of the car. I felt left out and nervous. Why did I even agree to this?

I rang the doorbell twice, before I heard footsteps running. I knew it couldn't be an adult, but maybe it could.

A blonde older lady opened the door with a little boy at her hips. She was beautiful and looked happy. I felt out of place with me in black sweats and a crop top.

"Hello dear." She announces and tilts her head kinda confused.

"Does Apollo Coleman live here?" I crease my eyebrows and stand tall.

"Yea he's with his friends upstairs, I'll go get him for you." She smiles and walks up the curved stairwell.

I looked around at the marbled floor and crossed my arms standing there waiting for him. I twirled my hair and looked behind me.

I took at step back bumping someone behind me.

"Oh my go-." I try to say, but when I turn around I looked at the tattooed boy in front of me. His chest had flowers on it and could barely see a single skin mark.

"If your here for that tutoring question, I said no." He scoffs and looks down at my face.

"Well I always ask a question again because maybe that person changed there mind." I smile and try to look or act like I don't smell the alcohol coming off of him.

"Well I don't think you know me." He bitterly replies and rolls his eyes.

"Isn't it really weird you know we're I live too? What are you like a stalker?" He laughs and looks behind at his other friend walking up next to him.

"Hey who's this fine-." Apollo cuts him off, but pushing his chest.

"She was just leaving." He answers looking back at me with his dark grey eyes. Some reason they reminded me of the color of the moon but darker.

"Yeah, um-bye." I hesitated saying, but I walked away in the end. My hands were shaking and my legs felt like they were going to give out.

I jumped in my black SUV and drove away. Stupid stupid Adhira. Why did I always have to be so awkward?
Thank you for reading💕

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