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Part 2: Wolves

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The moment you no longer enjoy pleasure with your pleasure buddy is the moment you have a severe problem. Perhaps it was because Ruby knew her siblings were lying to her, for whatever reason, they were hiding something.

When Ruby arrived back home, she was greeted with a giant hug from Emmett. "I thought I'd never see you again!" Ruby couldn't help but roll her eyes at her brother's dramatic behaviour. Emmett had always been dramatic, it was one of the many things she loved about the boy.

"How was your trip, dear?" Esme asked her 'daughter'. "Rather strange," Ruby admitted. "I didn't enjoy myself as much as I usually do. It felt almost a chore." "Rosalie never feels like that with me," Emmett beamed, causing both his mate and Ruby to roll their eyes.

"Perhaps your body is trying to tell you something," Jasper said, confusing Ruby. "You enjoy yourself with Alec, perhaps your body is rejecting anyone who isn't him. I'll put it gracefully, maybe your body craves him, and only him."

Ruby shook her head. Despite the fact Alec was her favourite to release her needs, they would never work out. She wasn't his mate and if they were together and he found his mate, her heart would break like a fragile antique.

"I better get ready for school, I don't wish to be late," Ruby mumbled.

Once Ruby made her way to her room, Alice turned to her mate, glaring at the usually considerate vampire. "Why would you say that to her? You know it's a soft spot."

"Ruby's future keeps disappearing. The only way to assure she's safe-"

"Is to keep her with the one person who would happily die for her, with no hesitation," Rosalie finished for her 'brother'.

"Exactly," Jasper said. "Alec will, would happily die for her, knowing she is safe. Is it so bad that I am trying to push her onto him?" "Yes," Emmett blurted out. "She'll get her heartbroken when he finds his mate. I don't want my sister to be broken 'cause her lover falls in love with another."

Everyone stared at Emmett, shocked that not only did he get involved, but that his answer was almost identical to one Edward would give, one the mind reader would say.

"I love Ruby, if she gets hurt 'cause of that weird freak, then I'm gonna have to go Italy and kill the bastard," Emmett said.

Edward walked through the door at that moment and all was forgotten about Ruby. The new topic was one much more interesting, unfortunately Ruby wasn't interested. She couldn't stop thinking about what Jasper had said.

Should she have stayed in Italy with Alec?

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Witches were known for their broomsticks, Ruby was known for her bike. She didn't care that it was loud, she didn't care that boys drooled over both her and the bike.

A sigh escaped Ruby's mouth as she saw Jacob standing outside the school. She knew there would be trouble.

Bella stormed over to the shifter, Edward behind his mate. "Oh, goodness," Ruby mumbled, before walking towards the trio. She adjusted her sunglasses, making everything seem darker. It wasn't sunny, though Ruby just wanted to wear the glasses she received as a present from Rosalie.

✔️ Full Moon (Twilight)✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora