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Part 6: Graduation

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Embry had never felt so strange in his entire life. He was feeling warm, yet not due to his body heat, but due to the person next to him. He couldn't help but smile as the memories from the previous night played on his mind.

The beautiful blonde next to him, his imprint, the girl he had made love with, sleeping next to him. No, it wasn't making love, it was passionate sex, hot, passionate sex. He was sure if he was human he'd be in pain, possibly unable to function.

'How can somebody be so beautiful?' he thought to himself. A small sigh escaped Ruby's mouth as her eyes fluttered open.

The Hybrid smiled as she looked at the wolf boy. He was extremely attractive and surprisingly, he satisfied her more than anyone else ever had. She felt strange around him, comfortable, yet completely satisfied with him.

She almost gagged at the thought of being tied down, yet with Embry, he was different. He was Embry Call. How did he have this effect on her? She was a siren, a creature of beauty, yet a wolf had her feeling things she didn't want to.

"Good morning." His rough morning voice cut her out of her thoughts. Even his voice sounded heavenly. "Morning," her angelic voice replied.

The two were in a strange, yet comfortable silence, both deep in their thoughts of the other. The nights events would play on repeat in both of their minds, which wasn't good for Embry, his brothers would be able to see.

Ruby looked around the room, only to realise they were in her house. Yes, her house, a place she hadn't taken anyone before. "How did we get here?" she questioned. She couldn't remember them running, even so, they'd have to travel over water.

"You used your magic and we ended up here."

The Hybrid's eyes widened as the realisation stuck her. She could teleport wolves, meaning she could go random, crazy places with Leah. "I can teleport wolves?" Despite the fact it was more of a question to herself, Embry still answered. "Apparently. You didn't know?" She shook her head. "Well, Sweetheart, you're my first wolf," she teased. "I normally stick to leeches."

Embry's face turned to one of disgust. "That must be cold." "Yes, but it's good. You were different, you're boiling hot," she replied. A grin appeared on his face as he stared at the girl. "Thank you."

She chuckled before pushing him gently. She loved his humour. "You're welcome, though I meant your temperature." 

Silence fell over the two once more. "Should we go back?" Embry questioned. Ruby bit her lip as she stared into his dark eyes. "Another round?" He grinned at the girl. "I won't say no to that."

A loud laugh escaped Ruby's mouth, before her lips attached to his once more. 

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The night Ruby shared with Embry played on her mind. She had just taken the wolf back to his house, well, to the forest. She was on her way back to her house, the Cullen house.

Once Ruby stepped through the door, she was attacked with a hug by Esme. "And where have you been?" The motherly figure asked as she broke the hug. "Do you know how worried we were? I thought something happened to you!"

"I'm fine, honestly, not a scratch," Ruby assured the woman, yet Esme continued to go on. "No call, no text, no mental communication with any of us."

"You're definitely my mother, Esme," Ruby said.

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