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Part 5: New Born

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A small smile was on Ruby's face as she laid in bed next to her wolf, her Embry. She played with the boys hair as he was fast asleep. He was perfect, at least perfect for her. Bella was right, all those months ago, she knew Embry and Ruby would be perfect for each other.

'I think you two would be perfect together, opposites attract they say.'

The Hybrid smiled once more, before moving away from the boy. She went to the bathroom and started the large bath, keeping the temperature hot, how both she and Embry enjoyed it. She added bath salts and bubble bath, one that smelled like Cherry Blossoms, a scent she found pleasant.

Once the bath was ready, she got in, knowing that if Embry were to wake up, he'd join her, not that she would care. They often shared a bath, relaxing together as they ignored the world. It was easy to do when they were together, all they needed were each other.

While Ruby sat in the bath, the bubbles covering her body, the smell filling not only the bathroom, but the bedroom, Embry woke up. He went to take Ruby's hand, though stopped, realising she wasn't there. He smiled as he realised where she was, the smell filling his nose.

Embry was about to enter the bathroom, only to realise their clothes were still on the floor. He quickly folded them before going into the bathroom. He smiled as he saw Ruby laying down, only the top of her head visible from the bubbles. The hybrid didn't need to worry about drowning, she could easily breathe under water.

He slowly got into the bath, Ruby's eyes opening in the process. She smirked as she saw the bottom half of her partner. She slowly removed her head from the water, moving so her back was against his front, his arms wrapping around her. 

They didn't need to speak as she laid in his arms, the silence speaking louder than any words ever could. 

"I wish we could stay like this forever," Embry mumbled, his lips pressed against Ruby's hair. "I wish we could pause this moment and it never ends."

Ruby agreed with him. The moment they were sharing was peaceful, only the two of them, no drama, no wolf vs vampire.

The sound of the phone ringing brought the two out of their short conversation. Ruby put her hand out and the phone flew into it. She smiled as she read the text message from her sister.

"Bella's awake."

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Ruby finally stole Renesmee from Rosalie, the blonde vampire was annoyed, but she knew Ruby adored the child just as much as she did. Renesmee had shown Ruby the first vision she had of the Hybrid, how she had helped her mother, saved her mother.

The truth was, The Venom wouldn't have reached Bella's heart in time to save her. Ruby didn't dare tell the family that, but Edward knew, had known Bella was only alive due to Ruby and that was when he wanted her to be the God Mother, he knew Bella would agree.

Bella, Edward and Jacob entered the house, smiling as they saw Ruby holding Renesmee. She looked natural with the child, as if she was born to hold her, something Bella found strangely comforting.

"Welcome to the family," Esme greeted the newborn, smiling her usual motherly smile. Alice nodded her head, hugging her sister. "You look amazing, Bella." "Someone's been waiting to meet you," Carlisle told the newborn.

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