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Part 9: Battle Of The Newborns

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The battle was near, the newborns were close. Ruby was up in the sky, watching the wolves, ensuring everyone would be safe. The thought of somebody, one she cared for dying gave her chills.

Ruby remembered saying goodbye to Bella. She wouldn't see the human for a while due to the battle. Edward would protect her, she knew it.

The hybrid wasn't just worried for Bella, but her family old and new. The Wolves held a special place in her heart, especially Embry. She couldn't imagine anything happening to the boy.

Embry Call was special, he was amazing. She knew whoever he imprinted on would be the luckiest person on the planet. Oh, how she wished it was her.

She shook her head, knowing that she couldn't get distracted, not with thoughts of the person, one of the people she was protecting.

Ruby whistled as she saw the Newborns fast approaching. It was the signal for them to brace themselves. She wanted, needed them to be prepared.

The battle began, the Cullens and Wolves worked well together. Paul and Emmett teamed up a few times, taking out Vampires. The newborns were high in numbers, yet they lacked skill.

Ruby only needed to help a couple of times, burning a few newborns when they went too close, once to Esme, once to Rosalie and a few times to a couple of wolves.

She licked her lips, that was when she paused. She could hear her brother's thoughts, his worry as he heard Victoria.

Victoria had found Bella.

It was then Ruby made a decision she would not regret. She flew over to the tent where Edward and Bella stood opposite Victoria. The Hybrid wouldn't allow Victoria to hurt her family. She tried to burn the vampire, yet it wouldn't work. Her Powers weren't working on the redhead.

A growl escaped Ruby's mouth as she jumped down from her broom, landing in front of the couple. She smirked at Victoria, a smirk that was instantly returned.

"Ruby, I was wondering when you would appear."

"How could I miss this?" Ruby teased. "A chance to kill the other half of the mates." She let out a chuckle before continuing. "All this time you've gone after Bella, due to believing Edward killed James. Let me tell you a secret, I killed James."

Victoria growled at the Hybrid, who seemed to enjoy provoking her. She wanted the vampire's anger on her, so she could kill her.

"And I enjoyed every second of it."

A loud scream escaped Victoria's mouth as she charged at the hybrid. When Ruby realised she still couldn't use her powers on the vampire, she prepared for the battle of strength.

Ruby blocked most of Victoria's punches, returning them with her own. She grabbed Victoria's neck, ready to snap it, only to feel a sharp pain in her side. She gasped as she felt the blood drip down her side, her eyes going blurry as she fell to her knees.

Victoria had stabbed her, she had stabbed her with something bronze.

A smirk was on the vampire's face as she looked at the weak Hybrid. "You see Ruby, I did some research, apparently witches don't like Bronze. A single hit from a bronze dagger results in a painful death. I hope you enjoy hell."

Edward used the distraction to grab Victoria, causing her to drop the dagger in her hand. Ruby's eyes glow as she paralyzed the vampire with her little strength. Edward removed Victoria's head, ripping it from her body before lighting her on fire.

✔️ Full Moon (Twilight)✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora