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Part 10: Imprints

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Carlisle was reluctant about bringing Ruby to the wolf's house with him. She was weak, the wound on her wasn't healing, it would take time before it healed.

The pleasure of the bronze dagger on a witch.

When the doctor pulled up all the wolves were outside. Embry's eyes looked towards his imprint, who was still in deep pain. He knew she would return to him, yet didn't think she could get hurt.

"He's in here," Billy told the doctor. "It might be best if you wait outside," Carlisle said to the man. He looked at Sam, who nodded his head. "You, me and Ruby will be enough for him," The Alpha said.

The three went into the room, the doctor motioning to his daughter. "Hello Jacob, Ruby here will help as much as she can. Please note, she too is injured, so she won't be able to take all the pain."

Carlisle started breaking Jacob's bones, once the first scream left the wolf's mouth, Ruby's eyes began to glow. She was using her strength to take as much of his pain as she could. Jacob stopped screaming, instead whimpering.

Ruby's eyes started to flutter. She was using too much strength taking away his pain, though she couldn't stop herself. Jacob was in too much pain.

It was five minutes later Carlisle left, as did Sam. Embry felt strange, his body was itching, he knew something was wrong with Ruby.  He rushed into the room only to see blood dripping down the girl's face, from her eyes, from her nose, and even from her mouth.

"Ruby, stop," he told the hybrid. She listened to him straight away, her breathing heavy. "He'll be okay."

Jacob looked at the hybrid, sweat dripping down his face. "Ruby." The girl's eyes flickered to him. "I'm okay." She nodded her head. "Thank you, Ruby, for helping me." "You're welcome, Jacob." She placed a kiss on his head, before walking away.

Embry noticed the blood from the girl had disappeared, at least the blood that was dripping from her face. 

Bella went over to the girl, checking her for injury. "Go see Jacob," Ruby told the girl, knowing he would want to see Bella, the girl he loved.

Billy smiled slightly at Ruby. "Thank you, Ruby, for everything you've done for us." She nodded her head, before leaning it on Embry.

"Take her to your place," Edward told the wolf. "She needs to rest." Embry couldn't agree more. He would make sure the girl was well rested before she did anything else. 

Ruby saved not only Bella's life but ensured that Jacob wasn't in as much pain. He was lucky she was his imprint.

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When the sky was at its darkest with nothing but the stars and moon providing the light, was something Ruby found to be beautiful. 

Ruby and Embry were walking along the beach, Ruby smiling at the sky and the sound of waves crashing on the beach. They were both relaxed, and calm in each other's presence. 

"It feels good knowing the battle is over," Embry said, breaking the comfortable silence between them. "Nothing lasts forever, especially those things that cause us sorrow," Ruby replied.

Embry couldn't help but smile at his imprint. She was wise beyond belief, he still didn't believe he deserved her, yet there he was walking with her.

"I've seen things that were strange, yet fascinating." Ruby looked towards the waves, smiling at the relaxing sound they made as they crashed onto the shore. "Somehow this place amazes me."

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