Ch 23

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Bokuto was once again on his way to the hospital. It had started being more of a home than his actual house. 

-hey hey, hey, akaashi- he said opening the door. Akaashi was reading a book, he still had a feeding tube but they had taken away the iv and heart monitor. Akaashi really needed to gain weight if he didn't want another heart attack. The two he had where just minor ones but if he had another one he would probably die. Bokuto was worried but tried to be his usual self. 

-bokutosan, can we take a walk outside- bokuto looked at the boy, he was conflicted, what if this was his disorder playing games. Bokuto had done research, don't mention weight or anything about health, no numbers, and don't talk about food. It also said that people with this kind of illness often tried to work their way around eating or tried to exercise the food of. After a long pause he made up his mind.

-it should be ok, just make sure you have enough clothes on, it is snowing-

-it is?-

-yes, its Christmas soon. oh right my mom wondered if we could come over to yours to celebrate Christmas.-

-i think it is ok, my dad will be overseas so it will be a little lonely with just the two of us- bokuto smiled and walked up to the bed. Akaashi got up and took Bokutos hand. 

They walked to a park near by and sat down on the swings. Akaashi was sitting in Bokutos lap facing him. He wrapped his legs around Bokutos waist and kissed his forehead. They where talking about all kinds of things, school, volleyball, clothes and some how they got in on the topic marriage.

-so were gonna go marry over seas and come back- Akaashi said chuckling

-yeah, when we get enough money-

-ok... hey after we graduate do you want to move in for college?- Akaasi said blushing

-do you have that money?-

-ill start working when i get discharged, i got a job interview for a supermarket-

-when is it?-

-a month- 

-akaaaaaashi!- bokuto called out and pulled him closer. He placed an unnecessary amount of kisses all over akaashis face. He looked up again and grinned.

-i guess i have to find a job to- akaashi chuckled and placed his hands on each side of Bokutos cheeks. The ravenette pulled him closer and placed his lips on Bokutos. Soft and warm lips. Then he then slowly pulled away.


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