Ch 11

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The credits started running. Bokuto shut the computer.

-what do you think- he said with a smile spread over his face.

-i liked the movie... it was cute-

-right, i liked it to- Bokuto answered, shifting his position so he was facing Akaashi.

Akaashi chuckled, making his eyes squint slightly. The owl laughed through his nose and leaned forward. Their noses where touching slightly and Bokuto softly looked into Akaashis eyes. He watched as his irises shifted between different shades of turquoise, making it look like flower pedals blowing in the wind.

The moment was interrupted by a loud ringing noise from downstairs. The food was ready. Akaashis heart sped up, he could feel his heart pounding against his chest. He gulped and stood up, following Bokuto downstairs to eat.

They all sat at the table in silence concentrating on the food. Especially Akaashi, Chew 20 times otherwise you wont get it up, take a sip of water between every third bite, don't eat to much it will seem rude, get yourself together, is this to much, what if its to little and i look suspicious. He tapped his foot on the ground, tensing up. Suddenly he felt a slight touch against his ankle. Akaashi looked up. On the other side of the table Bokuto was seated, slightly smirking. Akaashi looked down wrapping his foot around Bokutos.

Akaashi had consumed the food and the calories where flying around in his head. The chicken was ##, the rice was ##, plus the sauce and greens.

-im going to the bathroom- Akaashi said to the boy sitting comfortably on the bed.


Akaashi walked to the bathroom next to Bokutos room. He locked the door and kneeled before the toilet, lifting up the seat. He pushed his fingers to the back of his throat. He caved as the food streamed out his mouth, the taste of scour and milk filled his mouth. He felt big chunks of food move its way up his esophagus and hit his teeth. Akaashi coughed and wiped his mouth. The toilet flushed down the vomit and the smell of air freshener filled the room. He then went back to Bokutos room after checking every inch of his body and the bathroom.

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