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Akaashi had been skipping most dinners for some time now, his hair had started falling out and if he stood up to quickly, blood would leave his head and he would black out for a moment. He had stopped feeling hunger at all, even if the only thing he could think about was food. the time he ate, what it was, did it have carbs, fat, or protein, how many calories he had consumed and it didn't matter what it was, he needed to know the calories, even if it was toothpaste. the undernourishment painted his nails purple, he felt so alone.

His mother was catching on.

-Keiji, dinner- she said standing at the doorway to his room.

-sorry, i have classwork- Akaashi said with his eyes fixated on the screen, not paying attention to his surroundings.

He jumped up from his seat, as he just realized that his mothers voice was to close to him. He looked back realizing that the small women was still standing in the doorway leaning on his bedroom wall.


-you have gotten slender- she said with a slightly shaky voice, suppressing the urges to cry.

-its just your imagination- he chuckled, trying to sound reassuring.

The women started walking towards the young boy looking down, a tear rolled down her face. Akaashi could see how his mothers cheeks started reflecting the light from the table lamp as the salt water flowed out her green, emerald eyes. She reached out her hands wrapping her light arms around the boy.

Still in shock he just stood there, not knowing what to do other than returning the gesture. 

-i cant loose you to- she said through the hiccups and tears. Starting to cry harder, an ocean flooding out of her eyes stained the boys shirt, making the fabric a darker red.

The words echoed in his head. the memories of the car crash flooded back.


Akaashis brother was picking him up from school.

-so how was your day?- He asked from the driver side. 

-good- Akaashi answered. The car drove out of the parking lot and went out on the highway. they where having a normal conversation until the strong headlights of a truck blinded their sight. The crash was small but a bit of glass had shot from the front window piercing his brothers chest. He could hear the sirens in the background and people yelling. This was pure misfortune.  

Akaashis mind was pulled into reality, he needed to hide the fact that he wasn't eating. "throw up, it's easy, just do it" The evil voice whispered, replacing  his mothers words.

He was ashamed of himself, having his crying mother in his arms, the only thing he could think about was how to escape the blocks of neutrons spread out on his plate.

-I will eat, so relax- akaashi patted the women's back making her arms fall down, releasing the firm grip of her son. He walked downstairs to the kitchen and sank down into the wooden chair.

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