Ch 5

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cute picture, anyways.

A week had went by since Akaashi found out how to vomit. He hadn't tried it yet, he was scared to be honest. He had was proud, he had only eaten twice and the voice had been nice to hi telling him he was "doing the right thing" and that it was "proud of him" only eating twice.

As normal Akaashi went to practice, he put a t-shirt on and looked in the locker room mirror. The shirt was looser on him only after a week. he was proud,

"you can eat wen you get home"the voice said reassuringly. Yes ma'am, he answers the voice. He stepped on to the court with the rest of the team and started playing. He had become weaker in his arms but managed to keep  up with his team mates.

When practice was over Akaashi hurried, exited to get to eat his meal. 


Akaashi opened the front door and was met by the sweet smell of teriyaki chicken with rice. He approached the dining table and joined his parents.

He peacefully enjoyed his meal, not being disturbed by the voice occupying his head.

-thank you for the food, it was real good- he stated and made his way up the stairs towards his room.

"empty your stomach" a mental hand was placed on Akaashis shoulder to support the unconscious decisions. He took deep breaths and turned around facing the bathroom door.

He walked in and locked the door. He lift up the toilet seat and sat down facing the bowl. Akaashi took another deep breath and inserted his fingers into his mouth, pushing them up empty his stomach. He gagged but nothing came out, he tried a few more times but failed.

He sighed, looking up with tears in the corner of his eyes. He felt the hand on his shoulder and a calm whisper "its OK, next time, just go and do exercises in your room". He accepted defeat and went to his room doing exercises for the next few hours.

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