The fire

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Beatrice's POV:

The librarian informed me that I would be Okay, and I thanked him before he left the room.

Everything hurts. Although water burnt, there wasn't a mark on my skin. I was completely fine! Well, apart from the 'not-being-able-to-move-because-of-so-much-pain' part.

I don't understand. I could touch water before. So why not now?

Head aching, I lay down on the bed that had been set up for me. Seriously, these guys need another place for sick people; this is the 2nd time I have been in here in the last week!

Yawning, I close my eyes. For a second I wished that I could just have a normal life, with no destiny.

I laugh out loud.

"Who am I kidding. Normal life?! Snow will turn blue before I live a normal life!"

And with that I fall asleep.

------//6 HOURS LATER\\------

The librarian said that I am good to go.

"Just, just stay away from water from now on!" He chuckled.

I laughed too, even though it wasn't a situation to be taken lightly. Then I walked outside.

Alex, who had been Leaning on the wall, and Zac, who had been lying on the ground throwing a clay ball in the air, both leapt to their feet when they saw me.

"Umm.... hi?" I said, confused as to why they looked so surprised to see me.

Zac stepped forward and hugged me, and Alex smiled.

"Umm, okay... Creepy stalker weirdos inbound..." I say awkwardly.

"We're so glad your okay! We were worried sick!" Alex hugged me as well.

"Ahh.... oooookkkk, well..... I'm just gonna goooo..." Laughing, I turn around and start to head towards Zacs house, which is where I am currently staying. He has no family, yet he lives in the bigger house in the village, so it was pretty easy for him to find space for me.

"Oh! After you!" Zac bows down, and indicates for me to go forward.

"Would you like help with that?!" Alex rushes forwards, and takes the sword out of my hands.

I shake my head, bewildered. Why are they being so nice? It seems suspicious...
But hey, if they are going to treat me like a queen, I'm not going to stop them!

'In fact' I say in my head 'two can play at that game!'

Smiling to myself, I pretend to trip and dramatically fall to the ground, arms flailing.

"Oh my Notch, are you Ok?!" Both Alex and Zac drop to the ground to help me up.

"Owwww, oh what great pain I... ah.... am having!'t think I can walk!" I don't think I sounded very convincing, but Alex and Zac must of just shrugged it off as me being delusional because of pain, for they both helped me to my feet and Zac hoisted me into the air, bridal style.

"Ohhh.... ummm.... I feel....!" I say dramatically.

Alex frantically looked around for a moment, before his eyes lay on the giant leaves on a tree. With amazing agility, he scampered up the tree, grabbed the biggest leave he could see, then jumped to the ground before he started fanning with the leave.

I smile, and let them carry me all the way to Zacs house.

After Zac insisted on opening the door for me, I ran up to the room I was staying in.

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