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"We want to help you defeat Herobrine"

I laugh -audibly- vaguely aware that its not the most appropriate response.

"Who are you?" I ask again.

Suddenly light floods into the room, blinding me. I shield my eyes.

"My name is Lynn."

She steps forward, and I can make out her slim and short figure, her face expressionless. It was impossible to tell what she was thinking.

Behind me, Dawn held up a torch. Now, I could see a massive room, carved out of the ground. I look up; the trapdoor was at least Ten blocks high up from the ground. It didn't seem that far when I jumped.

I frown.

"Who else is here?'

Dawn opens her mouth, but Lynn gets there first.

"This is James, Monica, Ohrl, Sydney, Sky, Lilly, Mitch, Tyson, Luke, Cara..." She points at each person in turn. Everyone smiles, but doesn't look into my eyes, except Mitch, Who gives me a curt nod.

"...Eric, Myra, Autumn, Zoe, Jack, Ryan, Jerome, and Mathew!" She finally finishes, and catches her breath.

"We want to help you. All of us" Zoe steps up. She is fair skinned, tall and lanky, with a hooked nose which brings out her features. She smiles.

"" Is all I can manage.

"Herobrine has done something to all of us, one way or another." It was Mitch who was speaking this time. "At first it was just Zoe, Lynn, Cara and I, who had been affected by Herobrine, But after the fire, everyone else joined us"

"But why so secret? Surely the other villagers want Herobrine gone too, right?" I lean against the wall, fiddling with my fingers.

"They don't want any harm to come to them, period. Interfering with Herobrine means trouble, and they would rather the whole village be burnt down then have to deal with Herobrine face to face." Zoe spits out the words like they're poison, or a foul taste.

"The whole village has been burnt down" Mrya points out helpfully.

"You don't say!" Zoe snaps at Mrya, who just shrugs and turns away.

"Anyway....." Dawn interrupts, glaring at Zoe, "They don't want us putting them at risk. We have to keep this quiet. Zac and Alex can know, but no one else. Now, lets discuss a plan."

Alex's POV

I can't find Beatrice anywhere, so after a few minutes, I give up looking.

Instead I go down to see Zac again. I feel bad about leaving him alone and vulnerable.

When I walk in, he shifts in his seat, as if he can feel my presence.


"Hello, again" He looks somewhere south of my eyes.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk?"

"Sure" He replies, but he sounds hesitant, afraid even.

"Here" I bring out from behind me a giant stick, that I had found in the Forrest. I hold it out for him to take it for a second, before remembering that he can't see.
I grab his hand, an lift it towards the stick.

He fumbles around for a bit, trying to get a grip, before pulling it towards him, whacking me on the head with the other end.


"Sorry!" He uses it to hoist himself up, before feeling around with it, searching for a place to step.

Eventually we make it outside, and I grasp onto his arm to lend my support.

It's weird, that when I look into his eyes, I don't see a spark of excitement, or wild curiosity. Instead, I just see dull, blank and unfocused, showing no emotion but fear and anxiety.

I guess I'm just gonna have to get used to it.

Beatrice's POV:

We had just spent the previous two hours figuring out plans and what we were going to do about Herobrine.

It turns out, that Mitch is the most influential person there. He just states his opinions like they're are facts, and his complete lack of doubt makes you believe him.

"Okay, I think that's it, for now! We better get back up, or people will get suspicious" Dawn claps her hands together.

Jerome pulls out a ladder, and sets it up against the wall, next to the trapdoor.

As everyone starts to file out, Dawn grabs my arm to hold me back.

"Uh..... One more thing you should know." She sounds nervous.


"I.... well.... um... I know your family!" She blurts out.

And I freeze.



More coming soon!

Please please PLEASE comment on what you thinks gonna happen next! (and also what you think SHOULD happen next xD)

Challenge of the chapter; Sing your nation anthem in a Scottish accent! (If your Scottish an Australian accent xD)


Dragonlover921 over and out!

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