Preparing for the End

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Beatrices' POV:

"Show me one more time!"

I sigh, and walk in front of Zac, so he can gaze upon my obsidian armour.

I have to admit, I'm loving it myself. Every curve fits perfectly, and although its light, it's extremely strong.

"It's just beautiful! I don't know how he made it, it must of been really hard!" Zac exclaimed for the fifth time.

"Well, that's just the thing!" Alex said in between mouthfuls of apple. " Why would he work so hard on it unless it was for a good reason?" he threw the apple in the air and caught it with his left hand, before taking another bite. "I mean, its not like obsidian is easy to get or anything! And its extremely hard to break without it splitting into a thousand pieces!" He was sitting under the shelter of the tree, whilst me a Zac were standing, the sunlight glistening and reflecting off my armour.

"I know, it's odd right? He must have a lot a faith in me!" I say, turning around, admiring myself.

"Who wouldn't have faith in you?" Zac says absentmindedly.

An awkward science follows these words.

"I-I mean because... um... because of.. uh.... you are really strong and... uh... that" He stutters.

I look at him.

"Uh... I mean, like not in a manly way. I mean... um.. you could be a man if you wanted too, uh... not that you are or anything.. you are entirely female, b-but if you wanted to..."

"Zac" Alex interrupted. " do us a favour, and shut up"

"Gladly" Zac smiled. "I'm just making it worse, aren't I?"

"Yes!" I laugh. "Yes you are!"

We all start laughing at that, our stomachs aching.

"Ahhhh" Alex sighed happily. "Hey, remember when we became friends?!"

" mean ten days ago?!" Zac smirked.

"Yeah!" I say "didn't you pair of idiots knock me out, then throw me up a tree or something like that?!!"

"Hey! We hardly threw you!!" Zac protested. "We were very gentle!"

"Says the one who wanted to leave Beatrice alone at night and leave her to die" Alex giggled.

"Ohhhhh" I say, with mock appreciation. "How kind!!" I touched my hand to my heart sarcastically.

"It sounds bad when you say it like that!" Zac argued.

I laugh. This is what I live for. These small moments of freedom, away from everything else. Moments where you can just laugh and enjoy the present, and not have to worry about the future.

"Oh!" I say suddenly, a sudden thing breaking my trail of thoughts.


"Alex, the Blacksmith wanted to see you. He said something about armour to support your leg." I told him.

"Oh yeah Beatrice, how did you like him?!" Zac asked as a sudden thought struck him.

"The blacksmith?" I groan in frustration "don't even get me started! He so happy ALL THE TIME and h-" I cut off when I saw his face was cracked up with laughter.

"Hey" I say, pouting. "You knew!! Ugghh!! You knew when you told me to go there that he was 'happy-go-lucky'!!"

Zac is now rolling on the ground with laughter, his eyes alight and wild.

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