Who are you?

94 6 3

Beatrice's POV

There are only two things worse then fear; grief and guilt. Guilt is heaver, but grief holds on longer, dragging you under the surface, your mind contaminated with dread.

Those are the two feelings I feel today. Is it really my fault, that Zac is blind? Is he really going to never see again?

The next days rush oust in a blur. I feel like I'm not really here, just a ghost, not living in the present.

What Dawn said really hit me. She lost so much, so fast, yet she is willing to fight with me.

I admire her.

As the sun starts to set, I walk towards her hut.

Since the whole village has been burnt down, we have been reduced to living in dirt huts that we set up on the outskirts of the land. From memory, Dawn Is staying five huts down from me.

So that's where I'm headed now.

I pause at opening, an knock on the dirt wall like its a door.

"Helllooo..... Anyone home?' I announce, my voice easily filling the 5x5 room.

Dawn looks up, and smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"Hello! Uh.. welcome to my humble abode!" She waves her arms dramatically, and takes a sarcastic bow.

I walk inside, brushing my fingers against the wall as I do so.

All the huts look the same; a bed, and a crafting table, and a single torch to light it up.

So I'm surprised to see that in Dawn's hut is also a double chest, and several bookshelves. My eyes scan the room, and I notice a trapdoor in the corner.

She notices my surprise, and purses her lips.

"Whats with th-" I start, but Dawn interrupts.

"Shh! I don't want them to hear!"

Bewildered, I shake my head.

"Who is-"

"The elders! They think I'm up to something..."

"Wait-but, you are up to something.. aren't you"

The corners of her mouth twitch upwards.

"Well... you see... You know what? Just come" She grabs my hand and yanks me towards the trapdoor in the corner.

Gritting her teeth, she heaves the trapdoor upwards. It takes her a few attempts to do so, before she gestures for me to hold it.

I grab it as she lets go, and the sudden weight makes me grimace.

She pushes herself through, legs first. I hear a faint thump as she lands on the ground, and stumbles a few feet before she regains her balance.

Sighing, and holding the trapdoor up with with my left hand, I lower myself down, gripping onto the edges, before realising the trapdoor as I drop to the ground.

It makes a nasty clang as it falls shut.

Wincing and rubbing my hands, I stare at the darkness around me.

And twenty pairs of eyes stare back.



I can't see anything.

I'm still getting used to it. It's extremely odd to be able to hear and feel and everything, but not be able to see.

I lose track of time, and begin to doubt if I even exist at all.

I can't even see black, like how you would think. Its just nothing. Nothing at all. I can't see ANYTHING, not even darkness. It's just empty, nothing.

Alex comes to visit me, sometime. I can hear the creaks of the floor as he walks, and I can feel the still air twist and turn.

"How are you?"

I start when I hear his voice right next to me.

"I.... I don't know." Even my voice sounds different, like its not even me, just a different person.

I hear him shift his wait to one foot, before the soft thump as he sits on the bed, beside me.

"Umm... What does everything look like?" I know it's a stupid question, childish even, but I want to know.

"Well, everyone has set up dirt huts. We are working on rebuilding some of it, but...."

"....But the village is pretty ruined, isn't it?" My voice falters, and I swallow.

"Yeah.... It is" Alex voice sounds hollow and empty.

I can almost sense he stillness, as if there is something he wants to say, but he is not sure how.

"Come on, spit it out"


"You're hiding something" My voice sounds a lot more accusing then I intended it to sound.

"It's nothing, really! Listen, I have to go know, okay? Take care" I hear him get to his feet, and start across the room.

"Yeah yeah whatever" I grumble. I don't say it, but I wish he wouldn't go. I feel so lonely in my little world of darkness, so disconnected from everyone else.

"No really, take care. I will send Beatrice down later, okay?!"

I grin.

"Whatever, Dad"

His footprints stop.


"You know, cause you're worrying about me, and telling me to take care.... like a dad would!"

He laughs.

"Whatever, Son"

"Ughh, don't say that, it sounds weird!" I cry out in disgust.

I can hear him laughing all the way to his "hut".

Beatrice's POV;

"Who are you?"

As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I make out numerous figures gathered around me.

A single voice answers.

"We want to help you defeat Herobrine"





Challenge of the chapter ; Read this authors message out loud like a cheesy advertisement!


Dragonlover921 over and out

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