The rain

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Beatrice's POV;

We land on the ground, and leaves fly in all directions.

Zac immediately lets go of my hand, and falls to his knees, panting and clutching his chest. On my other side, Alex leans on the nearest oak tree for support.

And I just stand still.

It was still in the middle of autumn. The ground was flooded with crisp leaves of beautiful shades of orange and red. The sun was shining through the branches and leaves of the trees above us, which were lazily waving in the breeze.

The sky, however, was a grey-blue; the usually bright sky was dominated by angry clouds. A storm was coming, and a big one at that.

It was a long time before any of us spoke. We were still contemplating what just happened.

Eventually, Alex opened his mouth.

"What. Just. Happened." He sounded completely bewildered, and he turned his head to look straight into my eyes.

I take my time before answering.

"The Ender Dragon- He is good. Well mostly, but anyways. He can talk, but only I can hear him. When he grabbed Zac he was just trying to get my full attention, and to test if I really was a real EnderChild. After I kind of jumped on him, he picked me up and placed me in an obsidian tower. Then I asked him what he knew, and he informed me that Herobrine had already meet me, but he had spared my life because I am more powerful the even most EnderChildren, and he thought I could be useful later. Oh Yeah, I also have cool powers that no one else has!!! I can even move blocks with my mind! Cool eh?!" I stop to take a deep breath.

Zac just looks at me in bewilderment, and I can tell Alex is doing the same behind me.

"Uh... could you repeat that? Like.... uh.... slower? And with less words?"Zac smiles hopefully.

I smile back, and go through it again, recalling everything that happened at the End. Whilst I am speaking, Alex frowns and starts pacing. His leg is as good as new, or at least able to walk, with the special Lapis Lazuli armour.

"Well, after the dragon dropped Zac, we figured it was evil, so we were getting ready to retreat. And then you went up to it and started talking to it, and then it roared. We thought it was going to kill you when it grabbed you and flew away." Alex said sadly, as if the very thought of me dying was just unthinkable.

The storm clouds were directly above us now, and little drops of rain started to fall. Although we were mostly under the shelter of the trees, I could see that Zac was starting to get wet.

"Come on, we better get back to the village" Zac said, speaking my thoughts exactly as he started walking towards the buildings.

I went to follow him.

And then a drop of water fell on my arm.

"Ah!" I gasp as a burning hot pain stings where the raindrop touched. I instinctively reached for my arm, wincing.

"Whats the matter?" Alex's asks behind me.

I shake my head, eyes closed and my features arranged in a grimace.

I keep walking forward, until I am completely out of the shelter of the trees.

And that's when a raindrop falls on my face.

And another.

And another.

"Gahhh!!" I cry out in pain.

Where each raindrop falls, it burns my skin with such a ferocity it's like my head is on fire. I clutch my face, swallowing back tears. It burns.

And then suddenly I am getting burnt all over. I scream in pain, and fall to the ground. It feels like a thousand white-hot swords are stabbing into me, burning with such a ferocity that I can't even see due to so much pain.

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