The child of Ender

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Zacs POV

I hear Alex groan and I whip round in fear.

Thats when I see the arrow in his leg.

But I see this too late.

He tries to steady himself, but the pain is to great. He falls. Towards his death.

I reach out but its no use.

That's when everything went purple. The girl was wide awake.
And she was glowing. In an instant she teleported to the ground. I Could hardly believe what I was seeing.

Placing her fingers on her temple, she made the light grow brighter, and brighter still.

I closed my eyes; it was too bright. I could feel the power in the air. It was strong. incredibly strong. I opened my eyes. And then it was gone.

And the mobs disappeared with it.

My heart was beating so fast it nearly flew out of my chest. WHAT WAS THAT??! HOW DID SHE DO THAT? WHAT IS SHE! HOW DID SHE DO THAT SO FAST?!!

The girl was standing over Alex, who was barely supporting himself on the ground. I heard him groan, then he managed a hoarse whisper; "what are you?"

The girl grinned.
" The last EnderChild."

I literally fell out of the tree.

The crash made them both turn round, Alex more painfully. I think they forgot I was here. I leaped to my feet. I was too freaked out to notice pain.

"WHAT THE NETHER WAS THAT!! WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU DO!! WHA- WHA... HOW??!!" I was literally screaming. I couldn't even speak right.

I started pacing back and forth.
"Yo-you did the weird purple light thingy... and the-then you teleported... and then the mobs disappeared... And then.... and then"

I fade out, not sure what to say.

She looks more shocked then anyone, like she wasn't aware of her own power. We stare at each other for a long time, her face lit up with an element of surprise, and mine with utter confusion. Man, those eyes of hers are creepy.

It was Alex that interrupted.
"Whats your name?"

"Did you fall too hard? it's me, Zac" I say irritated.

"Not you, you dork! The girl!"

She smiles. "Beatrice"

It's a pretty name, and suits her well. But it's not like any minecraftia name I heard before.

" Where are you from?" winced Alex, asking my question for me. I almost forget he had a gaping wound in his thigh, you know, with the purple magic and all. Purple magic does tend to take away ones attention.

Beatrice thought for a moment.
"I don't know" she said finally.

I wasn't really paying attention. Beatrice purple eyes were starting to creep me out. Like seriously. Creepy.

They were just empty, the eyes. They just seemed to go on forever. But the more I looked at them, I noticed that they didn't have a cold light, instead they filled me up with warmth.


"WHAT" I yelled back, not paying attention

"Have you not been listening this whole time? Ugghh, why do I even bother. I said, that we need to get Beatrice here to the village, to see if anyone knows about this ender god thing." Alex said hastily.

"EnderChild" Beatrice politely corrected him.

"Right. Yeah. So ummm, should we go?" Alex said desperately. I wondered why he wanted to leave so badly. Probably because the mobs could still come back.

" Wait, what about your leg?" I push.

"Oh, yeah, that's a minor set back." Alex tried to get up, but failed, his weak legs unable to support his weight.

"I've got an idea" Beatrice suddenly announced. I had almost forgotten she was here; she hadn't been talking this whole time.

"I think I can teleport us to the village!" she said proudly.

No one talked.

"Any other ideas?" I offered.

"Hey?! whats wrong with mine?!"
Beatrice said, offended.

I considered for a moment.
Plan A; go with the creepy purple eyed girl who could kill us at any moment, and trust her to teleport us safely to a place she has never been before, when she isn't entirely aware of her own power.
Plan B: wait here for mobs to stalk us down and slowly eat our flesh.
Neither plan was looking good at the moment, but I have to say, I'm leaning towards plan B.

"Why won't you trust me?!" she exclaimed, half amazement, half wonder.

Sighing, she grabbed my arm, before reaching down and grabbing Alex's.

Then before I could even think about moving, the world twisted away. I closed my eyes.

Suddenly I heard yells of surprise, and the sound of footsteps abruptly stopping.

I opened my eyes. We were in the village.

"Told ya you could trust me!" Beatrice said smugly.
But why?!! Ooooohhhh, it's a mystery!!
Random question 6: whose your favourite character?

Dragonlover921 over and out!!!

The last EnderChildOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz