Chapter 57- Stand By Me

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I woke up, as I do every day. Usually, I was wrapped in the arms of Nik. This day no different. Except it was. Something was wrong, I just knew it. I knew that something happened to one of my friends. One of my pack members. My family. And what did I do? I stayed behind. I stayed behind while they went on a dangerous trip with someone who I knew they shouldn't trust. 

I untangle myself from Nik's arm and pad down to the giving room. I don't know what to do. What I could do. I felt...useless. It was different for when I wasn't in control though. I had my control I was just useless. A simple wolf is what I was degraded to because something screwed up with my magic. as I was trapped in my own thoughts my phone blaring pulls me out. I take my phone out and look at the I.D. 'Bunny eater'. It was fairly early. Really early for anyone to be calling me, especially Stefan.

"Hello?" I ask sighing and sitting down. Somehow I just knew it wasn't going to be good news. 

" it's Jeremy....he's dead." Stefan splutters lowly.

"Wait. Back up. How'd this happen?" I ask my voice breaking as tears threaten to spill.

"It was Katherine. She must have been following us this whole time." HE explains.

"Wait, his ring. He-he still had it on right? T-that he'll come back, right? Right?" I ask tears already spilling over.

"Elena thinks the same thing..." He trails off.

"What-what are trying to say, Stefan?" I ask sniffling.

"He was a hunter, he was supernatural."

"Yeah, but he completed his task. That means that when he died he was no longer supernatural. T-The'll work. It has too. Stefan I-I can't lose anyone else. I promised. I promise...I-I said that I would protect him. I-I. Oh my god, he's gone, isn't he? I say rambling and soon turn into full-blown sobbing.

"I'm coming back to town, with Elena," Stefan says. He quickly ends the call and I sit there my hands in my messy hair. Tears streaming down my face. If I was there. If only I was there then I could have...My thoughts trail off thinking of everything I could've done differently. How I didn't need to go to Italy to retrieve the dammed sword with Nik. I didn't need to help Connor out. I shouldn't have helped him out, I shouldn't have trusted him. I shouldn't have let Jeremy become a hunter. I shouldn't have gone to Greece to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. I shouldn't have let a lot of things happen. 

"Damn it!" I yell throwing my phone across the room. I watch the screen shatter into multiple species. My arms tense and relax as all I want to do is punish someone. that someone being me, because I deserve it. When you look back at everything that has gone wrong it can be traced to me. I was the cause of many problems. Was I just too broken? Like my phone screen? Something that could never be fixed. I was someone who was always neglected as a child. One who never got that love from a parent. I got someone who acted like they loved me, I did everything I could to please them, and when it never worked then worked on helping others. Making sure others are happy. THat they were content. I made a promise that I would protect all of my friends, no matter what the cost, and yet every time...I fail. I pick up something else and throw it against the wall in frustration letting the tears block my vision. I was never good enough. And I never will be. It was only a matter of time before Nik realized this as well. I continue to unch things, upset with myself for not being enough. 

I hear a flash and know that Nik just came down. I stand there in the center of the living room my back faced him. I could only hear my somewhat labored breathing. SObs and sniffled also mixed in the air. Soon I feel the warm embrace of my mate hugging me from behind. And that was it. I completely lost it. I broke down. I turned and buried my head into his chest and let the tears flow. And he just stood there, embracing me, making sure that I was ok.

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