Chapter 37-All I Need

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Whispers. That's all that surrounded me.

Whispers that were yelling.

What are they? Who are they? Who am I? Where am I?

My name is Grace. What happened?

It's dark. Darkness surrounds me. 

What happened?

What did I do?

Am I dead? If so then how did I die?

Death. It's the most forgiving.

It will wash you clean all of your sins, strip you of damnation. Is that what has been done? Is that why I'm in this darkness with whispers surrounding me? No matter what life I've lived, death will come eventually. So how far did I live? 

Death. It will take and take, and then take some more until your on your knees begging to be taken as well. Is that how I went out?

Death. It will break into your home and steal from you, it will steal a piece of your heart. Is that what happened? Did it steal something, someone, as well? Did it take something that was once a porous thing, my heart, and shrivel it up and make the decision for me that I have no more room to love? What did it take? 

Death. It doesn't care about the color of your skin, or where you came from. It cares not of the languages you speak or the people you have loved regardless of gender, age, and race. It will gorge itself on your life, and the people you love until it is so disgustingly full it cannot simply take any more another bite.

What did it take from me? Because death is not kind. Even though it's full it'll take a mother bite anyway. And it will take another piece of you mercilessly.

In a world of terrible things, death is the most forgiving. And that's why it's so unfair.

"Hello?" I call out into the darkness of death. 

They get louder.

The whispers grow. Multiply in there noise.

"Hello?" I call out again. hoping for an answer. Needing my answers. I need to get back. I don't know why but I can die. I can't die yet. 

Who did I leave?

Am I ready to join into the unfair world of death? No. I can't. 

Why can't I give in? 


"Please," I beg. The voices that are indistinguishable don't answer. They just get louder and louder making my ears ring. This was different. I remember. Nik. Damon. Elena. Crap Elena. Where am I exactly. This isn't the other side.

"Stop. It hurts." I cry out clutching my head in pain.

"You're not supposed to be here." The voices start to clear up. It still voices mixed but some stand out.



"It's too late."

"Then let me out," I shout into the dark abyss. The whispers stop suddenly.  I then start coughing up water. Black veins crawl up my arms. It was like something came into me. Like it was infecting me.

Water? What happened?

More fluids spew from my mouth. As my eyes close. Not much of a difference is made. I inhale deeply calming myself down. I just felt like I needed to breathe. Like I just needed to stay calm and I would be ok.

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