Chapter 12-As I Lay Dying

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I woke up on the ground of the forest naked. This hasn't happened in a while. I move to get up but and arm pulls me back and tightens its hold on me. I look over to see who has me captive and see a very naked Klaus next to me. I quickly gently remove the arm wrapped around my unclothed waist and get up.  I blush a deep crimson red as I turn around from the naked figure beside me. Then I hear leaves crunching and turn to see Elijah with a frown embedded on his face.

"How long?" I question immediately knowing I'll have to explain things to my friends.

"Almost two days." He answers. We both then her Klaus stirring and turn to look at him. Klaus looks around with a genuine smile on his face. 

"You've been busy," Elijah tells Klaus tossing him some clothes and handing some for me. I smile as thanks.

"That was amazing. How long has it been?" Klaus asks turning around to see my naked figure. I look down a deep blush on my face as I feel his eyes look over me, I go to cover up and Klaus growls in disapproval.

"Almost 2 days. The full moon came and went and you both remained a wolf." Elijah explained.

"I can change at will, then, It's good to know," Klaus concluded as he started to get dressed. I quickly thrown on the loose top and pants Elijah brought me. 

"All hybrids can. Well for last night, thank by the way." I say sarcastically.  He turns around and smirks at me although he does have a bit disappointment at my clothed self. 

"I remember every single kill." He then looks to Elijah how has a frown.

"Yes, I've been cleaning up your mess along the way. Thanks for indulging with Niklaus and his killings, Grace." Elijah says.

"Just like old times, brother," Klaus replies pulling me into his unclothed chest. I melt right into it. "Now if only you, little wolf will activate the bond." 

"You've had your fun. I believe we have a bargain." Elijah states as he passes socks to Klaus. I step away from his embrace.

"That's right. Now, what was it again? Oh, yeah. Wait. I remember. That's it. You wish to be reunited with our family." Klaus says cockily.

"You gave me your word, Niklaus," Elijah states brushing off a coat for him.

"What kind of brother would break his bond? Even though you did try to kill me." Klaus says.

"Well, it's been nice to see you again Eli, and again thanks for staying. My first shift I was alone and well it nice. Anyway, I feel as though it's best if I leave." I reply about to head off.

"Don't run away again little wolf." Klaus threatens.

"Well, you see. Um-Bye!" I shout mumbling the incantation that teleported me to the nearest friend. Which happened to be Damon. Before I disappear I hear him roar 'no' and reach out to grab me.


Damon is grabbing a drink and pouring himself a cup.

"Day!" I shout as I run into his arms. "I'm so sorry! I didn't have control of my wolf last night so it for some reason went to save Klaus! Did it work- did the spell Bonnie and I planned work?" I question.

"Yeah. Little Bird it did." He says returning the hug and stroking my hair.

"Jenna's dead." I whimper out. As tears cascade down my face. "I couldn't get there in time." 

"Let's get you dressed for the funeral Little bird," Damon says. 

"Yeah." I mumble as I reach my room and put on a simple black dress.

One Of A Kind (Klaus Mikaelson x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant