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Stella's body was laying here, unconscious. She had busted her head open on one of the rocks, the tree was the only thing holding her so that she wouldn't fall deeper down. Brittany was still running, with that bullet in her leg. And as she saw where Stella fell, she peeked. It was what she wanted, she didn't even bother to check if she was really dead. It was already a done job for her, so she left.

As Severide got to the destination that Brittany had sent him, he realized it was definitely all a plan. So he quickly called Mariah, she was closer than him to the house and he was fearing for Stella's life.

"Hey Kelly, is something wrong?" Mariah asked over the phone.

"I fear so, could you go back home please. It was all a plan, Brittany sent me to somewhere where there's literally nothing, and i think she went for Stella." He explained then added "plus i am way too far, i am leaving now but I won't be as quick as you"

"Say no less"

Mariah then hung up and gathered her stuff, she was with Tara. But she had to cut the visit short.

"So you're not going to tell me where you're going?" Tara asked concerned when she saw the worry on her daughter's face.

"There's this girl after Stella, she was alone home today and we fear for her and the baby"

"Baby" tara didn't know Stella was pregnant again, she got surprised by news.

It gave her just enough time to snap out of it and follow Mariah. She had to go too, Stella was her daughter and even if the way she had went about thing had them separated she just couldn't stay here, arms crossed. They both got to the house in ten minutes, and found the door open.

"Stella" Mariah got in screaming her sister's name.

And as she walked a bit further, she almost fell because of the water she walked in.

"We need to find her" she said frightened.

So without a word Tara just followed.

"Where do you think she went?" Tara asked.

"I don't know, anywhere. The door was open, she was probably running away from Brittany. That's the only thing i can think of, and her water broke. I just don't want anything to happen to her" Mariah said panicking.

"Hey hey" tara held both her shoulders "we will find her, i go right and you go left. We will find her".

Mariah nodded and so they did, they had better chance of finding her that way.

Severide was still far from getting there, and all he was waiting for was a call from Mariah to tell him that Stella and the baby were fine. But even that wait seemed long, and he was starting to be more and more worried. On her end Mariah was having no luck, no sign of Stella. She decided to call her mother, so they could be in communication while searching.

"We've been walking for more than five minutes now, still nothing mom?" Mariah asked.

The worrry was heavy.

"No but i'm su-" but as Tara was about to say that she was sure they would find her when she heard a noise.

It sounded like someone. So she looked down, and there was Stella's body.

"Mom! Mom" Mariah insisted as she stopped hearing her mother.

"I found her" she said to Mariah "i found her".

And so Tara quickly got down, hung up and proceeded to dial 911. She put her phone on speaker, she knew that she couldn't move Stella. So she checked to see if she was conscious.

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