Part 33 : Brittany

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Time of death.

Were they hearing right?

Everything was happening at such a fast pace, that they didn't know if they heard right. They were trying to make sense of it all, then Dr Rhodes approached them.

"I am so sorry, we did everything we could"

"No this this can't be it, what do you mean you did everything you could. Try again" Severide said angry, yet not facing the truth.

And while Kelly was angry screaming at  Connor, Stella slowly approached the hospital bed. She wasn't really crying, she just peacefully approached the bed and sat. She slowly took her little boy's hand, it was still warm. All she wanted was to see his big blue eyes one last time. But deep down she knew it wasn't going to happen, so she got his hand next to her face and kissed it.

"I'm sorry baby, mommy was not able to protect you" and as she liked to do, she passed her hand through his hair.

He looked like he was sleeping, the only thing she hated to see was the bruising on his body. Part of her wanted to believe what was happening, but she was mostly in denial. And so she stayed next to his little body, without saying a word just observing him. After a little bit, she felt Severide get low next to her. His eyes teary.

"It was all my fault" he told her.

She looked at him briefly, and then turned her head back to Diego. She still wasn't crying.

"You didn't do anything wrong Kelly" she told him.

Kelly didn't really know what to do, they had just lost their son. And both of them were suffering, although Stella's behavior was weirding him out. He pulled a chair and sat on the other side of the bed, and held Diego's other hand.

He wasn't coming back.

In the waiting room, Dr Rhodes had just brought the news out. Everyone was saddened by it, and the silence in the room was saying a lot. Tears and just pure pain, everyone loved that little boy. They knew it would be hard on both Kelly and Stella, and they were ready to be here no matter what. After a while, they had to leave with Diego's body but Stella wasn't having it.

"I can't leave him, he is going to wonder where i went. He needs me" she explained desperate.

But they wouldn't let her go with him, Severide grabbed her. He could feel her frustration.

"He is going to be okay"

"No he is not, he needs me don't you get it" her breathing was rapid and heavy.

"Calm down please"

So he grabbed onto her tighter and tighter, and she was slowly calming down. The tears still weren't coming out of her eyes, even if before she had been crying now her eyes were dry. She wasn't living the reality.

"I don't want him to think i will leave him again"

"He knows trust me".

After seeing them go with her son's body, both her and Kelly went back to the waiting room. Where everyone was, they just didn't know what to say. So everyone offered a hug, sometimes words were just not needed. After that, they all left. Unfortunately they were still on shift and Severide convinced them to go back. Mariah gave Mia to Stella, and then got to Kelly.

"Do you need anything?" She was herself trying not to cry.

"No thanks Mariah" but on second thought he had a favor to ask "no scratch that, could you help with the funeral please"

"Sure, count on me. I can't imagine how hard it is, thats the least i can do"

"Thank you" he then added "I don't know why but Stella's behavior got me worried."

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