Part 30 : Let me go

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Part 30 : Let me go

Stella got in her car and drove back to her house. That kiss felt out of this world, but more than the kiss itself it was what had happened when she kissed him.

Everything felt familiar, so pure and so true. She knew she had been confused ever since she couldn't remember her past, but this time.

Her mind was another kind of confused.

As soon as she got home, she passed Mariah and went straight to take a shower. A cold one. Hoping it would clear her mind.

The bathroom was big and spacious, with a huge mirror covering the wall. She took a quick look at herself, got undressed and then got in the shower. The first bit of water that got on her face surprised her, and even though the water was really cold she didn't seem to budge much under it. She closed her eyes and let the water run down her body without moving. Taking slow and deep breath, but her confusion was still there.

Confusion which slowly turned into fear, a fear that had her unable to catch a breath. It was getting overwhelming, she kept seeing this little boy. He was pure joy, and then came an image of that same baby girl she had seen earlier when she put Mia down. But as sweet as those flashbacks were she still couldn't catch her breath properly, she then saw two small bodies. They were clearly burned. A feeling of sadness invaded her body, and in all of sudden she had quick flashbacks. She could see herself crying, and pills, lots of them. Her bruised body, and that same white man. He still had no face but he was still in a lot of those flashbacks. She was trying to calm down, and find a way to breathe normally but she was reliving something. It wasn't only the mental pain of the flashbacks but also physical pain, she felt high and then suddenly felt her whole body hurt as if they would have beat her up. She was crying and was still unable to catch her breath, then blood and she could see herself applying pressure on a wound. But as all this flashbacks replayed in her head, she kept hearing that same voice. That voice sounded reassuring yet she wasn't able to calm herself down or even open her eyes.

Mariah kept hearing the water but nothing more from Stella and by now she would have been out of the shower. So she left what she was doing and went to check on her. Stella left the door open which was a relief for Mariah, she came in and saw Stella standing still with her body shaking.

"Stella!" She said worried, she turned the water off and grabbed a towel then grabbed Stella and got her out. She took her to her room and sat her down on her bed. So she called her name once again, softly this time "stella!".

"Um" she looked down since Mariah was kneeled in front of her.

"You scared me, what happened?"

"I don't know, i had all these weird moments come back to me in flashbacks and I don't even know if it's part of my life or if my brain is playing tricks on me" she explained to Mariah.

"It's okay, i think those are moments of your life for now they're just coming back in flashes but you'll end up remembering everything" she reassured her.

"I am not sure i want to remember anymore" she said a little sad. "I know my life can't be all cupcakes and rainbows but i am scared to remember everything and that I don't like what it is"

"Unfortunately thats what comes with getting back your memory! But i am sure that there's one big reason that'll make it all worth it"

She looked at her sister unsure and let out a sigh "thank you for getting me out of the shower"

"That's what sisters are for" and she smiled.

After their small talk, Mariah went back to the kitchen to finish dinner. Stella put on her pyjamas and then went to help her sister, they finished dinner together and while they were spending their time doing chores and more Mariah tried to distract her from whatever she experienced earlier.
On their next shift, Severide was still with Diego and Mia. And Diego had an idea, so he went to look for Stella when he saw her come in the firehouse. She was in the locker room but he didn't know where exactly.

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