Part 21 : Are you sure?

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She was standing over Robert's agonizing body and it's like she wasn't realizing what she had just done. All of a sudden it's like she couldn't hear anything else except the sound of her heartbeat.

Pounding faster then the usual.

Then she started to realize how bad he was bleeding, she didn't know how deep the cut was but she grabbed a napkin and slowly got down. That belly of hers was slowing her down and she had to be careful. She started to apply pressure to the wound.

And even like that Robert tried and grabbed her by the wrist.

"Let me go, i'm trying to help you here"

But the look on his face looked even meaner than before, blood was coming out of his mouth and even like that he wanted to get some words out.

Stella was shaky, so she searched with one hand for her phone on the counter. She grabbed it and got a call to Antonio first, she didn't know if it was the right move but she did anyways.

"Stella? What's up?" Antonio asked as he picked up the phone.

"I-i'm I-i don't! Please I-" she was unable to make a proper sentence.

"I am not understanding you Stella, what's wrong?"

"I sliced Robert's throat!" She finally was able to say shaky.

"Are you at your house?"


And that was the end of the phone call, right after that she dialed 911. Her hand still shaky and bloody. After her call it was just a matter of time for the ambulance to arrive, of course Antonio arrived before. Thankfully the front door was opened.

"Stella!" Antonio screamed as he got in.

"I'm here" she said.

And as Antonio saw all the blood on the floor he opened his eyes big, he couldn't believe it.

"What happened?"

"He came in, and I didn't hear him. I couldn't go through this again Antonio" she explained still maintaining pressure.

In no time the ambulance arrived and they took Robert with them. And when they left Stella stayed in front of her door still opened, looking at her hand covered in blood.

"Stella you'll have to come with me now, is that okay?"

Antonio tried to get her attention but he didn't succeed, it's like she was gone. She was deep in her thoughts, lost watching her hands. He tried calling again and again but nothing. And out of nowhere she snapped out of it.

"What happened? What did i do? Whose blood is this? Why do i" she made a pause looked at her hands some more "why is there blood on my hand" she was in a state of shock.

And she was panicking at the same time, she knew when she was like this all she had to do was curve in a ball. She let herself gently slide down the wall near her front door as she held her belly. But as Antonio saw how she was, he decided to call Severide.

"Antonio!" Severide said confused on the phone "something i can help you with"

"Yes, Stella is having a panic attack and i really don't know what to do! I know you're working bu-"

And before Antonio could finish his sentence, Severide had already hung up the phone. Squad 3 was going for a ride and it was to his house. Tony drove as fast as he could to get him there, but while they were on their way Stella was getting more and more nervous.

"Hey it's going to be fine!" Antonio tried to reassure her as he put his hand on her shoulder.

But he didn't know Stella still couldn't be touched, she moved away from him. Then she took a look at the dress she had on, and she saw blood. Blood near her belly and that was enough for her confused mind to think the worst.

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