Part 13 : it's your fault

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Stella didn't know wether to tell her aunt or just keep everything to herself.

"I was out and about and well fell in a pool, that's about it" she said avoiding looking Pamela in the eye.

"Yes and maybe it involved Kelly" she said suspicious.

"No" she lied.

"You were with Dad?" Diego asked excited.

"Yes before at work!" She told him.

"And could we go see him? Please" he asked.

"Of course, just let me take a shower and we'll go see him".

Pamela kept staring at Stella she knew something was up but she would wait until Stella felt comfortable telling her.

Stella went and took a long and hot shower, got dressed, put her hair in a bun and they were ready to leave for Kelly's.

"Pam do you mind if I borrow your car? I still have mine at Molly's, which makes me think I'd probably should go get it"

"You should and no take my car baby, and drive safe"

"Will do! See you"

She grabbed Diego by the hand and they left. In no time they were at Kelly's house and so Diego proudly knocked. After a few seconds Kelly opened the door.

"Hi" he said excited "I wasn't expecting you big boy"

"I wanted to see you, mommy told me you were together" he said as he came in.

Stella followed him as she was still holding his hand.

"She did?"

"Yes she said you were at work together" he said and then got on the couch and then asked "can we stay here tonight".

"I don't know buddy, it's up to your mom" he said and gave a look to Stella.

But Diego had already stopped paying them any attention, he took the box that was in Kelly's living room. The box where he had toys in and started playing.

So Kelly and Stella went to the kitchen.

"I know you would miss me but not that fast" Kelly said jokingly.

She laughed and got close to him "shut up and kiss me".

He kissed her one hand on her behind.
They were happy they decided to give it a try. And so after that would come telling Diego about them.

But clearly that part wasn't necessary, cause as focused as they were kissing they didn't hear Diego come in the kitchen.

"Ouhh" he said covering his mouth laughing. "Mommy you kissed daddy".

Both Kelly and Stella couldn't help but laugh, it was the beginning of a journey. And as of now everyone was happy.

"Yes I did because we are together"

"That means we're going to be a family?" He asked happy.

"Hopefully yes!" Kelly said to him.

Diego then jumped in his mom arms and gave her a tight hug. Seeing the way he reacted couldn't have his parents happier.
After Diego asked to stay at his dad house, Stella decided to give in and stay with Kelly.

They slept all together, Diego in the middle of his two parents holding both their arms.

The next day, after everyone woke up Stella had to quickly go to her aunt's to get Diego changed into some new clothes. It was an off day so it was only about Diego, she dropped him off at kindergarten and then went back to Kelly's for what she left.

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