Part 26 : Rot in hell dad

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Stella didn't know what to feel with the info Tara had just gave her. What was she suppose to feel anger? Sadness? Disgust? It was her dad, the one who she thought for so long was just the adoptive father who never liked her turned out to be an even bigger asshole. It was her own dad who had coldly abused of her again and again, not only mentally but physically. And that same man had no shame even knowing he was doing that to his own daughter. Stella's skin had goosebumps, and all the flashes even from her teenage life came back.

She got up and said "i don't know what you're trying to do. If you're here to destroy me some more but i will not believe it"

"Why do you think your paternity test ruled in favor of him? He is your child's grandfather, of course he's going to be linked. Now a good pay to someone he knows there and then it show as if it is his own child"

Stella was thoughtful and so she walked in the house, and walked. And walked some more, until she broke down. She just couldn't anymore she needed that Robert situation to end.

"Why would he do that to me?" She asked shaky and really close to crying.

"I'm sorry babe" Severide got to her and hugged her.

"Why? I mean why not simply let me be in the orphanage, i didn't ask for this"

Severide was passing his fingers through her hair to help her calm down.

"Robert always had a problem with black women, i know your adoptive mother was one too. He just uses us"

"Do you think he did something to her?"

"Honestly wouldn't impress me"

Stella felt bad to her stomach, she could also see Robert kill. I mean thats what he wanted to do to her, but she just couldn't believe he was the author of all her disgrace. From the very beginning.

After Tara was done telling her story, she left. And gave Stella her number, she didn't want to impose herself and so she decided to let Stella decide if she wanted to reach out again. It was a lot of information to handle even for her and she had been dealing with it her whole life, she couldn't even imagine how Stella would cope with everything.

Later on Severide and Stella went to sleep, they both needed it. But as Kelly couldn't sleep he went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and to his surprise Stella was awake too. And it seemed like she had been crying. They were still not back in the same room, so to know who was having a decent amount of sleep was impossible.

"Can't sleep uh?" Kelly asked, but the question was obvious.

Stella gave him a look and just kept that stare of hers going.

"Is there anything i can do for you?"

"Honestly?" She asked and looked at him "erase my memory! Erase everything i've ever lived, or better then Kelly. I should just kill myself, at the end of the day i am a terrible person." And so she started enumerating "I did drugs, let those two kids burn in the building, hid Diego from you, denied my own child"

"Stop it! The only one who deserves death here is Robert, he is an asshole who doesn't deserve freedom."

"It doesn't seem like it, i feel bad Kelly. I feel bad, this man has managed to destroy me in so many ways. And now to learn that he is my real father! What kind of sick monster does that, how do you take pleasure in raping your own daughter! Your own blood"

Her eyes were filled with tears, and it was hurting Kelly to see her that way. He wanted to do more for her, but the damage was mentally done and he himself couldn't help her entirely even if he wanted to.

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