Part 20 : i have bad news

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The paramedics' faces didn't tell anything good or maybe Kelly was just too stressed to think straight, he hopped in the ambulance and grabbed Stella's hand the whole way to MED.

It had been almost been a whole day since this psycho took her, but Kelly was happy she was back. He didn't want to imagine what he had done to her but judging by the look of her body and how he found her he could very well imagine. Once at med Nat and Will took care of Stella, meanwhile Kim was bringing Diego back to Kelly.

"Thanks Kim, how is he?" He asked as he took the little one in his arms.

"Good, we played. Stella's aunt was supposed to come and get him but she wanted to come directly to med. And asked if i could bring Diego here"

"Oh okay, good! Thanks again" he smiled or what he thought was a smile.

He went to sit with Diego in the waiting room, in no time Pam was there and joined the boys in the waiting room.

"Daddy what happened to mommy?" He asked concerned.

"Well" and as he started explaining to his son what happened he tried not to cry but it was hard "some very bad guy" a node formed in his throat "did some very bad things to your mommy, but she's going to be great. And she's going to give you lots and lots of kisses".

"Are you sure?"


"Then don't cry daddy" he said in the cutest way as he wiped Kelly's tears.

He then gave his dad a hug and they patiently waited for someone to come and tell them about Stella.

After a while waiting Natalie and Will got to them, finally they had news.

"We gave Stella some fluids, she was dehydrated and very weak. So this should help, she has six stitches on her face. But other than that she's ok" Will explained.

"When you mean okay? Does it mean-"

So Natalie cut him off with a big smile on her face "the baby is great, everything we're giving her right now is beneficial for the both of them"

He let out a sigh of relief "thank you so much, to the both of you".

They both nodded then Will added "you can go see her, she should be waking up soon".

And so the three of them did, they went to see Stella.The room was quiet, the only noises were the machines.

Kelly sat with Diego on his laps and Pam sat on the other chair and they waited for Stella to wake up.


Then ten.

And finally after fifteen minutes or so she woke up. Seeing Diego's face first and then Kelly's, so Kelly made a head movement so she could see Pamela was there too.

"How are you feeling mommy?" Diego asked as he grabbed his mom's hand.

"I'm good baby" she said and tried to give her little boy a small smile.

Even if she wasn't feeling like it, she did anyways. She didn't want her son to see her like this, all weak. She was hurting not only physically but emotionally, but once again she was starting to build this shell around her.

She allowed Diego to come next to her in her bed, and he snuggled against her. She had a lot of questions, regarding Diego mostly. Was he still in somewhere near her when that psycho did all those awful stuff to her or was he gone. Where did they find him? Then came to her mind this asshole, would he finally pay for everything he ever did and while replaying all that had happened to her in the last day she got quiet. Playing in her son's hair, she could feel him and then she thought about her baby. And so she turned to Kelly.

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