49. Claw Marks

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Christina's POV

She is sitting on my lap straddling me, her lips pressed on mine, my hands on her waist pulling her hard against my body. Her fingers in my hair, tugging, pulling me deeper. It's been half a week since she's been back, and we've spent every second together, but it's still not enough.

We are supposed to be in school now, but we pulled over and got carried away. The passenger seat is way too small for two people, but we have become pros at making this little space enough.

"Chrissy," She says between my biting and sucking. "We...... need to go........or...... We're ..... gonna be late."

She tries to pull away. "Not yet." I hold on her waist pulling her back down making her lose her balance. Her neck lands in my face and I start sucking. She lets out a soft moan, but then quickly shoots off my lap.

"No, no, no!!. You are not giving another hickie right now." She opens her mirror to inspect the mark. "Crap!" She moves her hand over my little pride spot.

"What's the problem?" I ask innocently.

"The problem is I forgot my makeup, and now I have to walk around with it all day."

I laugh. "Good, now people know you're taken."

"Hey, I'm not the one who has guys throwing themselves at me."

"Oh, please, just because you don't notice it doesn't mean it's not happening."

She rolls her eyes at me in a mocking manner as she starts the car. "You know what? You need to be punished."

I raise my eyebrow. "Punished?"

"No, not like that, you perv." She laughs. "No, today after class you are sitting next to me, and we are going through some brochures. No excuses."

"But it's only the first day, can't we do it another time?" I wine.

"No today, you are going to narrow it down to 5 schools, or I'm not driving you home after."

"Are you threaten me?"

"Yes, and don't even try to play the victim, you did this to yourself."

She is still laughing as she stops the car, and we walked out.

"Okay, how about a renegotiation? I'll do the university thing if you hang out with my friends and me for lunch."

"No." She keeps walking.

"Oh, come on, it would mean so much to me if you got to know them, they're not all terrible. Besides, when we go public, it would be easier if they already knew you." It slips out before I know what I am saying, and I start to panic.

She stops walking. "You're thinking of going public with us?"

"I'm not ready yet, but... I don't know... Maybe if they knew you, it might be easier."

I'm ready to have this conversation. Especially not here. She notices this and takes me by the wrist, dragging me into the school.

We make our way to the conference room behind the teacher's lounge, and she locks the door behind us.

"Chrissy calm down." She places her hands on my arms. It's only now that I realize my breathing is irregular, and my face is warm. She guides me to a chair and sits me down. Kneeling down in front of me, she takes my hands on hers.

"Listen to me, it's okay if you don't want to tell them. You have proven to me how much you love me and how committed you are to us. I don't care if we ever tell these people. Your family knows, the people we care about know. I don't have to hide how I feel about you outside of school. And this is high school, we'll be gone in 5 months. If you want to wait till we leave for our studies, I'm fine with that. I don't feel like your dirty little secret, you've made sure of that." She kisses my knuckles.

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