9. One Bad Date

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Christina's POV

When I get home I go staring to bed feeling oddly drained by my day. Maybe it is due to the fact that I cried for half an hour this morning, or possibly because I didn’t sleep in my own bed last night. Either way it feels like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders, finally having spine to someone.

I need to get some rest before tonight, Jordan is picking me up at seven which gives me just a few hours of rest before I need to start getting ready. As soon as my face hits the pillow I am out like a light.

When I wake a few hours later, I am completely refreshed. Amy made me realize that I have been misjudging my friend and boyfriend. My mom shouldn’t be the only person I let in and assuming that nobody would be capable of understanding, is wrong. Jordan doesn’t deserve this, none of them do. If I can open up to someone I've only really known a few hours then I should be able to do this with the people who care about me.

While getting dressed I find myself looking out the window several times. Gazing into Amy's bedroom I’m hoping to catch a glimpse of my new..... Friend? Well yeah, guess we're friend now. I've told Amy more about myself than my actual friends so yeah…

It’s comply dark and there is no light coming from anywhere in the house, so I can only assume she’s out. I shouldn’t be surprised, what else would a teenaged girl be doing on a Friday night.

I take one final glance in the mirror when I hear Jordan’s car horn outside. I’m wearing a dark green dress that stops just above my knees, It’s a bit tight but in the right way. It’s supposed to get a bit chilly tonight, so I also put on a leather jacket. My entire outfit is tied together with my favorite sneakers and just a bit of light makeup to make my eyes pop. I have never been very into makeup, I just don’t see the point in caking my face in a thick layer of chemicals.

Waling down the hall I peek in Timmy’s room to find my mom reading him a bedtime story. He looks like he is only a few minutes away from falling asleep, and he greets me with a sweet smile. I give them both a kiss on the forehead, "Back by midnight." I hear my mom say before I get down the steps. "Will do,"

"I do not say this enough, but wow." Jordan flashes me his flirty smirk before wrapping his arms around me and kissing me softly. When trying to pull away he seems to push into me further. Normally this would not be a problem, but my mother is mostly likely in the room stating down at us. "Maybe not here" He chuckles as he opens the passenger seat for me.

We drive up to the old movie theater at the edge of town, it’s usually very empty because they only show old classic movies, but those are the ones I love. Jordan got us tickets to 'Vertigo' I've been wanting to see it for a while but never had the chance. I read about it though and even told him about it, he really is the sweetest sometimes. I know he doesn’t like old movies, but he still remembered and brought me here. During the entire film, he keeps tickling me and trying to get my attention. I know he’s bored, but I still find it amusing. 

"What did you think of the film?" We find ourselves walking hand in hand to Jordan's car when I asked him. "Didn't really get it, but it was okay." With that the conversation pretty much dies out, I realize he probably didn't pay attention at all. "So where too now?" "You want to go somewhere and talk?" He then says. "That would be great." I give him a smile, and he does the same before holding the car door open for me.

The drive is filled with silence as I try calming my nerves, but I know it’s long overdue. He puts the car in park by the clearing at the top of Viewpoint. From here you can see most of the town and at night it is a beautiful sight. He reaches to the back seat and retrieves a blanket for us to sit on.

As we reach the top point of the hill he spreads the blanket and helps me take a seat before planting himself next to me. Staring ahead I take a few deep breaths before turning towards him. Just as I was about to say something he crashes his lips on mine. I’m a bit surprised but sill return the gesture with just as much passion. I have no idea how it happened but suddenly my back is on the blanket, and he is on top of me. I begin feeling a bit constricted and pull my lips away from his. "Jordan slowdown we need to talk." I try pushing him of me, but he doesn't budge. "We don't need to talk about it, let's just do it." He starts kissing my neck and is running his hand up my thigh. "No Jordan seriously we need to talk." "Don't worry I brought protection," He says finally getting off of me only to retrieve a small silver package from his wallet. He reaches for his wallet and takes out a silver wrapper.

I suddenly start to panic, this is not what I meant when I said 'talking' He notices my face and tries to calm me down. "What's wrong, we love each other, and we both want this so why not." A bit of anger starts to boil inside me. "You know I wanted to wait. You said you were okay with that." My voice sounds a bit sharper than I initially intended, but it fuels my anger even more. "We've been together for six months how much longer are you going to make me wait!?" He spits back with just as much frustration.

Is this all he wants form me? After a moment of silence, I can see him cool down and his expression change from anger to regret. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." We stay quit for a bit. It seems like he was bout to say something but then quickly closed his mouth. "I want to go home now."

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