10. Two Bad Dates

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Amy's POV

Today was exhausting to say the least. After the whole thing that happened with Christina I wasn't able to focus. I had no idea why I agreed to that 'honesty' deal with her but when I looked into her eyes it was impossible to say no to her.

It's past midnight when I finally get home, and all I want is a long shower. The upside of my parents never being around was that I don't have a curfew. After school, I had gotten a text from Jasmine my ex, saying she wanted to 'talk'. Which was Jasmine code for either try to get back together or 'lets have a quicky in the closet' either way I wasn't in the mood for her drama. 

I agreed to meet but only in a public place. If I invited Jazz over she would have jumped my bones the second the door closed. She was very sweet at times, and she was fun and overall a great person to be around, not to mention the sex was amazing. But Jazz was also a mess. She was possessive and jealous. She once almost attacked Angie because she was convinced there was something between us. Ever since then my friends have been on high alert when it came to this girl. Luckily I was also aware of the crazy and I ended things before it got too serious. We haven't spoken for almost two months which is why I agreed to go meet her. I wanted to hear what she had to say. 

As a safety measure I even convinced Xander and Angie to come along and 'make sure that she didn't fall into her trap.' They were more than eager to join because somehow over the last years my love life had become their favorite soap opera. It's not that I have no self-control, it's just that Jazz knows me too well. She knows exactly what to say or do to lure me back into bed. It's a game she's been playing for so long, but I'm tired of it. 

Third Person's POV

She met Jazz at Brews and Booze a small café in town that would double as a bar at night. There is an open mike where local artists would play on occasion. It is a secluded place that she and her friends loved to go to, the kind of place you would only know if someone told you about it. Unfortunately during the time she 'dated' Jazz she showed her the place, and now she regrets it. It used to be her safe haven, and now it is tainted.

When the three of them walked in Jazz was already seated nursing a warm cup of coffee. Her eyes lit up when she saw Amy, but it disappeared when she saw Xander and Angie follow. Amy walked over to Jazz as the others went to the bar. Looking at her Amy instantly members why she was attracted to the girl. Her raven black hair had blue streaks in them which was new. Besides that she looked the same, as beautiful as always. She and Amy were about the same height, and they also had about the same built. Maybe Jazz was a bit slimmer, but Amy had better curves which she always loved. She had blue eyes and a very pale complexion making her look like a fairy tale princes. As she approached, Jazz got up to greet her. Leaning in to kiss Amy she quickly turned her face so that Jasmine's lips would end on her cheek and not somewhere else.

Everything went as expected. A little small talk before Jazz bluntly stated that she wanted her back. This wasn't a surprise but what came next was. 

She apologized, she claimed responsibility for the breakup. She admitted to being needy and controlling. She even went so far as to apologize to Angie herself. Overall of was a pleasant surprise, and she ended up having a decent time. When she ended up holding her own and refusing to get back together Jazz seemed disappointed but said she understood. By the end of the night somehow she convinced Amy to try and be friends. She agreed because it's not like she would see Jazz regularly so being friendly when they ran into each other seemed like a decent compromise. They didn't even go to the same school so avoiding her was easy. Plus it meant that she didn't have to keep avoiding Brews and Booze like she has been for the last two months.

Amy's POV

As I step out of the shower I leave my thoughts of Jazz behind and begin getting ready for bed. In the kitchen I find a not on the fridge in my mother's handwriting. Before even reaching for it I already know what is written. 'Had a last-minute trip for work. We will be back next week Saturday.' I crumpled up the paper and dropped it in the trash bin. "Of course you're gone for a full week." I mumbled, not that anyone is here to listen. 

Around midnight, I crawl into bed and turn my TV on, but just when I begin dozing off a small brown object the size of a football flies in through my window. The crash on the floor has me jumping up ready for a fight, not that I could actually win against anyone.  

After calming my breathing I look over the edge of my bed to recognize the object as a small taped up brown box. Taking it to my desk I cut it open to find a bright green Ninja turtles walkie-talkie.

"Normally it's not smart to open mysterious packages. It could have been a bomb." That same voice echos through that can make my knees weak with any word.

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