6. Stuck With Me

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Third person's POV

After the little shock she received this morning Amy has been in full-blown panic mode. The last two classes passed by in a haze as she tried to collect her thoughts. She was going to spend the rest of the year as the project partner of Christina Marks, her neighbor, and long time crush. Damn, now what? If only she didn't run out of the room immediately, Christina probably thinks she's a total freak now. 

Resting her head against the cold metal of her locker, she tries to think of any and everything she could have done differently. At least she has the next period free. This should give her some time to clear her thoughts and compose herself. In the end, it didn't matter what she did as long as she got the grade she needed. She refuses to let some silly crush ruin her GPA.


Her name is called from behind her, but she doesn't move, her friends know better than to bother her when she is feeling this terrible.


She hears it again but this time a bit louder, loud enough to realize it wasn't the voice of her Xander or Angie. Slowly she turns around to come face to face with Christina standing only five feet away. Mentally shaking herself she tries to gain focus before making an even bigger fool of herself. 

Christina sticks out her hand to Amy and out of reflex she takes it and shakes it. Doing her utmost best to ignore the electric shock she feels through her whole body. "Amy I'm your partner for the year in Mrs. Jameson's class." Amy smiles at the girl before releasing her hand hoping that whatever she is doing right now at least looks natural to the outside world. "So I guess you're stuck with me for the rest of the year." Amy finally let's out, suddenly very proud of how stable her voice sounds. "Well anybody who listens to Fallout Boy as much as you shouldn't be too terrible to spend time with." She smiles at Amy's wide-eyed expression. "How do you know I listen to Fallout Boy?" "I'ts pretty obvious." She points down at the black and white band T-shirt forcing an awkward smile on the smaller girl's face. "Right, okay" Amy says while rubbing the back of her neck. "Plus I can hear the music you play in your room." This time Amy knows her face is completely red. 'Of course if I can look into her window she can look into mine' Amy says internally. "What, you think I'm that oblivious that I can live next to someone for three years without knowing who they are?" Christina adds. She's still smiling at her, but there is also a hint of hurt in her remark.

The bell rings and the students in the hall start to shuffle to get to class. "Well you never said anything so how should I know?" Amy' rebuttals. She feels her sanity restoring with every breath. "Well, neither did you." Christina shot back instantly. "Shouldn't you be heading to class?" Amy tries saving herself in hope to get some clarity back. "Nope, we both have a free period. So can you maybe catch me up on what I missed this morning?"

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