8. Complete Honesty

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Amy's POV

I should have stopped talking long ago, but me and my constant need to be a smart ass took it too far again. I must sound like such a stalker, I literally confessed to her that I have been watching her family for months, she should be freaks out. Another tear falls down her face making the uncomfortable knot in my stomach nauseating.  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I should have kept that to myself..." I let out a sigh. "No it's okay I asked for it." Christina chuckles trying to lighten the mood. All I want to do is run away, but I need to stay and clean up the mess I made.

"The reason for the crying and the mood changes in my family is because eight weeks-.."

"I'm sorry, look you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Forcing her to talk about it just feels wrong. "I don't want you to reveal these things out of obligated for some deal."

"No it's okay, I want to. So far you're the only person who cares enough to notice something is weighing on me. Not even my boyfriend noticed, I mean yeah, he's been gone for three weeks but what about the weeks before he left?" The bitterness in her voice catches me off guard. 

"My aunt... My mom's sister was in a car accident eight weeks ago." Again the girl seems to take a long pause contemplating whether she should continue. "Well, we call it an accident, but I don't think it was. My aunt is someone who was in a position of power and I think she pissed off the wrong people. The last two months she has been in and out of surgery trying to repair the damage. We've practically been living in the hospital this entire time. My mom ended up taking a leave from work and my dad seems to be doubling his hours just to not be alone with his thought. Timmy is the only one who seems to be surviving. He's too young to know the difference, all he knows is our aunt got hurt, but she is getting better. He doesn't know about the fact that she will always need assisted living. I envy that so so much. He doesn't see the shell of a woman she has become. He doesn't see that there is barely anything left of her."

Her voice cracks with even more uncontrolled tears. It all becomes to much for me and of it's own accord my body moves pulling her into a tight embrace. She doesn't up restraint, immediately burying her face in my neck before she begins loudly sobbing into me. All I can do is be grateful that we are completely out of sight and that nobody will walk by anytime soon. 

Rocking her back and froth I try calming her by running my fingers through her hair. A painful eternity seems to pass before her breathing finally calms, and she pulls away. From this close looking at her, my heart kicks into overdrive. Even with Red eyes, puffy cheeks, and swollen lips she looks beautiful. In fact, the vulnerability in her eyes brings about an innocence that gives me chills. Here I am holding the girl of my dreams in my arms, our faces only a few inches apart and no matter how hard I try I can't look away.

"I'm sorry about your shirt" She finally says. I look down to see the Jet black mascara stains on the shoulder of my favorite white T-shirt. "I'm sorry about your face." I replied still feeling like I am the cause to all of this. 

Suddenly realizing how close we've been sitting I release her. Christina starts laughing at my comment. "Gosh, I must look like a poorly washed raccoon." A laugh burst out of me. "I really am sorry though, I didn't know that I would cause you so much pain, I didn't mean to make you cry."

"No like I said it's okay. You were right and needed to talk to someone, I should be thanking you." She gives me a genuine smile. "But is this what it's going to be like for the rest of the year? You prying into my personal life until I start crying?" Her words aren't meant to sting as I see she is still smiling. "God I hope not, I don't think my wardrobe can take this again," I say gesturing to my stained shoulder. "Well we do both need to get to know each other for the same of the assignment. So maybe next time I should poke at your heart." "Well good luck with that." I add with a challenging smirk on my face. "Oh come on, you're not going to give me anything? If I can't break through to you, we both fail, so you're going to have to talk to me. And answer me honestly if I ask you questions. It's the only way this is going to work." I sigh briefly shaking my head. "Fine, but then you need to do the same." She seems a bit uncomfortable but nods nonetheless. "Okay, let's make a deal. If one of us asked something no matter what the other has to answer honestly. The only rule is nothing we say to each other can ever be repeated." 

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