17. Finding Out

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Christina's POV

Without me paying attention to it, an entire week passed, and now I find myself on my bed staring at the ceiling on Tuesday trying to figure out how I am going to end things with Jordan on Friday. 

I have some soft music playing in the background in hopes that it will help me relax. Being alone with my thoughts lately has not always been pleasant, but I am trying to figure things out. This last week I have gotten into the habit of always running to Amy when anything happens. She picks me up every morning after breakfast, and during our drive we either listen to music or talk. More often than not we get into these heated arguments, but I quickly deduced that she loves it. Even when she is wrong she insists that she is right, I don’t think there is anyone in the world more stubborn than this girl.

To me, it is nothing but amusing when she gets excited about a topic, and then I manage to drive her up a wall and refusing to listen to logic. I then get out of the car refusing to continue the conversation and she in turn becomes red with frustration. 

When in school we go our separate ways and only speak when running into each other in the hallway, but even that has increased with frequency as I begin looking for her whenever I have free time. Even Xander and Angie have been more than welcoming but besides our one class together on Friday I barely speak to them. I realize how I would much rather spend time with them, then with my own friends. It’s quite sad to see how much someone can change so fast. 

After school, we meet at Amy's car to drive home together, or she drops me at my aunt's place. Sometimes I notice Jasmine glaring at me and I can't help but feel a little pride knowing I am 'beating her at her own game'. Whenever we are both home we are talking on the walkie-talkies. Even when doing homework I would listen to her ramble on about whatever. I started running again every night and Amy is trying to convince me to go back to the track team. Tryouts will start in a few weeks and I initially didn't plan on going this year, I still don't know if I want to.

"Hey, you wanna go for a ride?" Amy's voice comes through the speaker on my bedside table. I turned down the music and picked up the walkie-talkie. "Where to?" I asked not bothering to get up. "Does it matter?"

"Yes it does, I am very comfortable right now in my old sweatpants and if it's somewhere that needs proper pants I'm not going."

"Okay fine," She lets out a chuckle "I forgot my calculus book in my locker and I have some homework to finish for tomorrow. Look you don't even need to get out the car, you can just keep me company on the drive. C'mon pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaase!" She lets out in a whining voice. Her antics can be so childish at times, but to me, it’s just part of her charm. 

"Ugh... Fine." I say trying to sound annoyed.

I walked over to her front door, and it swings open revealing Amy in a purple tank top and gray oversized sweatpants. "See we’re a match." She states with childlike enthusiasm as she points between our pants. I try not to smile as I roll my eyes.

We drive to school in pleasant silence, one thing I’ve always appreciated is how great company she is even when not talking. 

We roll up to the school and as she opens the door I also decide to get out. "Oh I thought you were staying in the car." I give her a shrug and smile as I start walking to the entrance. It’s just a bit past 4 PM and the halls are deserted. Nobody accepts for the janitor and a few after school clubs, should be walking around. 

Knowing the way to her locker I lead until there is a loud yell followed by a crashing sound coming from the assembly hall. There aren’t any teams scheduled there for today. Only exchanging a brief look with her, we both take off running towards the sound. 

I am about to turn the corner when I hear an all too familiar voice that brings me to an abrupt halt. "Don't you fucking tell me what I have to do Jamie." Jordan's voice echos off the walls loudly.

"If you don't tell her I will, she deserves to know." A female voice replies.

"Don't pretend like you're doing this for her. You're just as guilty as I am."

"I’m not pretending I’m not guilty, but I'm gonna start showing in a few weeks and people are going to find out. If someone asks me who the father is I'm not gonna lie."

"Like hell you are, you're getting rid of that thing."

"This is all your fault, you forgot the condom that one time at training camp, how do you think this happened?"

My knees begin weakening as I reach for the wall to stabilize myself. Their shouting continues, but I can barely make out what they are saying all I know is that it’s getting louder, and footsteps begin approaching. 

I am paralyzed to move, I know that Jordan is about to turn the corner and all I can do is prepare myself for the heartbreaking blow that has become inevitable.

Suddenly I feel a heavy tug ripping me out of my place and I dragged around the corner just fast enough to not be seen by Jordan who bolts out of the assembly hall. Amy pins me against the wall using her entire body to hold me in place as her right-hand lands against my mouth stopping the screams that are trying to burn their way up from the pit of my stomach.  

She buries her face in my neck and begins whispering calming words to me. Not that it is helping as I try fighting her grip on me. My face is covered in tears and snot the only sounds escaping through her hand is a few desperate whimpers. A few seconds later Jamie follows Jordan out of the hall. Only when she is convinced that they are out of hearing range does she finally let me go. 

I collapse dropping to my knees, and again she manages to catch me just in time to soften the blow to my knees. Pulling me against her chest she rocks me back and forth as my tears strain through her shirt. I want to scream not caring who would hear me, but she continues shushing em and running her fingers through my hair and whispering that everything will be okay. 

Almost an hour passes like this before my breathing regulates. I look up to find dry tears training her own cheeks, but she quickly wipes them away when noticing me staring. "Why did you stop me from confronting them?" My voice burning from a dry throat. Though she is still holding me, her grip begins relaxing. 

"They don't deserve to see you like this. They don't deserve to know how affected you are." She clears her throat and releases me. "You didn't deserve this, but it happened anyway. I wanted you to have the chance to think this through. If you walked in on them, you would not have been able to hide your pain. You would have broken down in front of them. And who knows what you would have said. You now get to think of how you end this. You get to leave this with your dignity intact."

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