2. Back To School

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Christina's POV

I sip my orange juice while I watch Timmy drink the milk out of his cereal bowl. As adorable as he can be, I can't always stand the sight of my five-year-old brother eating. The constant slurping sound is making me cringe and the hair on my back stand up. I let out a small chuckle as he spills a nice amount on his lap and the floor.

"Oh noooo..... Timmy what are you doing?" My mom lets out as she notices the pool of milk at the bottom of his chair.

Timmy and I make eye contact as she starts to wipe the floor. He has this playful grin on his face causing me to laugh, the little devil knows exactly what he did. "Chris honey, can you please get him cleaned up? I'm running a bit late today." She says as she disposes of the paper towel. Her smile is somewhere between begging and demanding, deep down I know that I don't have much of a choice.

"Come on you little gremlin let get you some clean clothes." I grab him by his waist and flip him over my shoulder before walking upstairs to his room. He let's out the occasional joyfully scream as I swing him around.

Six minutes later I'm walking back down with Timmy on my heals. I place him back at the table to finish his breakfast as I hear a familiar car horn outside. "Be good to mommy you little gremlin," I kiss his little forehead and head towards the front door. "Mom, Dad I'm leaving!!" I yell into the living room as I grab my bag and walk out.

Closing the door I see the black SUV Jordan got from his parents for his sixteenth birthday. Stepping inside he gives me that signature smirk of his that always makes my heart beat a bit faster. After a quick good morning kiss he pulls on the street. Normally he would have been all over me now since I haven't seen him in three weeks, but unfortunately, that isn't an option because in the back seat are his two minions Bret and Carlos.

"So how was your summer Mamacita?" Carlos asks, I give him my best fake smile and look at him through the mirror. Fighting my urge to gag at the word Mamacita, I engage in the conversation. "Oh you know the same old, how about you guys? How was the training camp?" The last thing I want to do is talk about my summer, they don't need to know that I spent the entire time in and out of the hospital with my aunt. Not even Jordan knows that and even though we've been together for almost six months I still haven't completely opened up to him. I'm not deliberately keeping secrets from him, it's just that it never came up. He is sweet and fun and a great guy, it's just that our conversation never go very deep. But then again we are only seventeen, how deep do you expect a conversation with teenagers to go? I can't talk to my friends like I can talk to my mom. By far she is my best friend and I tell her everything, yeah it sounds cheesy I know but we've just always had a deep bond. She says that I'm an old woman trapped in a teenagers body and that I just need to wait for my peers to catch up.

"It was off the hook!!!" Suddenly all three of them are joyfully shouting as they talk me through the last few weeks. The football coach, and main supervisor at the training camp are so lax that you can barely call it a training camp. It seems to be more of a getaway for the football team and the cheerleaders to party for three weeks under the illusion of training and team building. The school organizes this every year and by now I've gotten a pretty good picture of what it is.

I nod and continue the fake smiles doing my best to stay focused on the conversation, which is much more difficult than you may think. I'm mentally drained by the time Jordan drives into the familiar parking lot and takes up his usual spot.

As soon as the ignition turns off, Bret and Carlos jump out and headed to the gazebo next to the main entrance. Looking out the window I can see it filled by the usual suspects completely dressed in the school colors red and white looking like a small cult. The gazebo is usually filled with the jocks the cheerleaders and some more of the popular students. I let out a sigh, I have no idea what is bothering me today. I should be thrilled to see my friends after all summer, but now not so much.

"Hey, are you okay? You seemed a bit quiet on the drive" Jordan says pulling me out of my daydream. "Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about stuff." I give him my sweetest smile hoping he doesn't press for more information. He gives me a grin. "Oh I know that look," I start to panic, what does he mean by that? "You missed me, and you're sad that we haven't seen each other in weeks." That must be it. I let out a small sigh and I smile at him again. Suddenly Jordan leans in and starts kissing me. After all this time I almost forgot how good of a kisser he is, it is a bit different from what I remember but still very nice. Briefly I kiss him back, but when I try to pull away he doesn't let me and tried to deepen it.

When he finally releases me he looks into my eyes and gives me a warm smile that makes my heart melt. "How about I take you on a proper date this Friday, make up for being gone for three weeks. I don't like feeling disconnected from you." I feel a small tug on my warmed heart.

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