25. One Good Date

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Christina's POV

Monday morning, I still don’t hear from her. Not that I’m particularly jumping at the chance to contact her myself. We’ve never gone more than ten hours without speaking since we started, and there is a part of me that misses her. Above all, I’m anxious, what can I even say to her? 

She made me feel things for her, and now she’s with Erica. At least that’s what I’m assuming. If anything, Amy doesn’t seem like the type to sleep around, so she must be serious about her.

I feel the pain in my heart that I have been feeling constantly the last week. I should have stopped Erica from asking Amy out. I let out a grunt. No, that would have been wrong. They're both great people and if they make each other happy, I need to be supportive. I just want Amy to be happy. She's been so good to me and no matter how much it hurts, I need to be good to her right now. 

The mere thought brings a brick to my stomach. Why hasn’t she contacted me yet, I guess she was too busy with Erica last night. How can it be that within hours my existence has been placed on the back burner. 

God, what is wrong with me? Erica is my friend, and I can't hate her for getting the girl that was never mine. I need to get a grip before she picks me up.

I hear a honk outside brings a wave of angst, but I take a deep breath, grabbing my sunglasses on the way out.

"Good morning?..." She asked with a lifted eyebrow.

I give her a smile and hope it's not a weak one. She seems content, and right now I’m just glad she can’t see my eyes, they have bags under them, and with her intuition, she’ll definitely read more emotions than I am willing to show.

"So, I didn't hear from you last night," she says with a soft tone and mildly disappointed.

"Well, I could say the same about you." I teased her slowly finding my confidence back she's still Amy. The Amy I can always talk to.

"Yeah," She chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of her neck. "I was a bit distracted."

"With what?" I was genuinely curious, but there was a part of me that knew the answer.

"Oh, you know stuff." Okay so I know why I was acting strange, but why is she? 

I don’t want to be having this conversation, but I remind myself that a good friend would ask. "So how did your date go?"

A small smile creeps on her face that both warms and breaks me. I loved her smile, but this one is not meant for me. "It was actually pretty fun."

"Yeah,...... I saw that you were out pretty late." I sighed internally.

She chuckles. "Well, I actually didn't get home till the morning." I try seeming surprised, if not I would have to tell her that I knew because I was hiding in the bushes when she came home from her night out. Lying to Amy is harder and I had thought.

"Don't judge me." She says with a smile and gives me a side glance. "We had coffee, and then she invited me over to her place, she wanted to cook me dinner. We were talking, and we lost track of time. But nothing happened." She chuckled the last part nervously. "I'm just not that kind of girl." She winked at me.

So, they didn't sleep together. Well..... At least that's something.

I can still feel the tension in the car, I feel like she is hiding something from me, or maybe it’s just my own guilt making it impossible to have any clear judgment. I can’t ask her, I can’t get deeper into this, I just can’t.

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