29. Gone

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Christina's POV

I feel myself being pulled forward, and before I can understand what is happening, I feel her lips on mine. 

Soft, ooh so soft. Goosebumps erupt over my entire body from the sudden contact. For a moment I am in complete shock, but as I feel her arms wrap around my waist, everything comes rushing in. 

AMY in kissing ME. My immediate response is to kiss her back. If this is some cruel dream again I’ll hate myself in the morning, but for now I need this. 

Her lips move against me, so delicately, I am lost in a trance. My fingers rake through her hair, pulling her closer, and I take a deep breath, inhaling that sweet rose garden smell that has been driving me crazy this last week. Her lips are as sweet as the soda that she has been drinking all night, and I just can’t get enough of it. 

Her lips part and I feel her tongue graze my mouth, begging for entrances. There is nothing I want more than her right now, and gladly welcome her. This is everything I need. But the second I let her in, she quickly pulls back.

She shoves me away from her body harshly and took a step back. I want to wine due to the sudden lack of contact, but my voice is gone. The look on her face was between shock, fear, and disgust. My heart shatters.

"I am so sorry, Christina, that should never have happened." I try to step forward, but my body is frozen in place. "You're drunk, and I'm taking advantage of you, this is so wrong." She takes another step back. 

Fear creeps into her eyes and I can tell that she wants to run away from me. I take a step forward, but then she is gone. I try chasing after her, but her car door slams so fast and her tires scratch out of the street before I can even make it down the front steps of our porch. 

Here I stand in the middle of the night, staring out into the barely lit streets, trying to process what Exactly just happened. She kissed me... Does that mean she has feelings for me? I reach up and touch my lips, still feeling the warmth and tingles of when those lips were on mine. There is no doubt that it really happened, this isn’t some stupid dream. I smile, whatever I am feeling there has to be a part of her that feels the same way? 

She pulled away because she thought I was drunk, but I didn't drink at all tonight, and she needs to know that.

I walk inside the house and up to my bedroom. Taking off my clothing, I hop in the shower and clean myself off completely. All while still walking around with a smile on my face. After I'm done, I check the time to see that it's a bit after 2 AM.

The entire house is quiet, everyone is asleep. But I'm not tired, not anymore. I grab my walkie-talkie and sit by the window. Amy needs time to cool off, so I wait for her to get back. Then we can talk. I have no idea what will happen after tonight, but I know I mean something more to her. She had practically confessed her feeling for me right there on the porch. 

I sit and wait till I see the sun come up.  It’s almost six in the morning, and she’s still not back. I call her phone and text her, but it goes straight to voicemail. She must have turned off her phone, so now there is nothing I can do but wait even more. My exhaustion takes over, and my head lands on the pillow. We’ll figure it out when she gets hope later.

By Monday morning, I am in a complete panic. I am driving my mom’s car to work, because Amy hasn’t been home all weekend and hasn’t turned her phone on either. I must have left over twenty missed calls with no reaction.

I walk into school and go straight to her locker, but she isn’t there. She isn’t anywhere on the school grounds, and it becomes clear to me that she really is gone once I notice her empty sear in English lit. 

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