26. Back To Normal

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Christina's POV

After our talk yesterday, everything is back to normal, well,.... sort of. The thought of Amy and Erica together still makes me nauseous, and I know for a fact it will take a long time for me to even be able to look at them together without feeling the need to cry. 

I was successful at avoiding Amy yesterday, so I didn’t have to see anything, but I can't do that again today. We're on good terms, and I'm going to find a way to be happy for them, or at least appear to.

The car radio blast at max volume, and she bobs her head rhythmically on our way to school. She’s in a good mood, that stupid smile of hers being infectious. I still get nauseous every time she looks at me while singing the lyrics. My heart both aches and swells, but I manage to show not physical signs and I roll my eyes with a smile, the way I have always done.

It was always funny to see her belt the lyrics. She has an amazing singing voice, but she in't using that voice right now. It’s half screaming and occasionally off-key like she is sounding bad on purpose. I know for a fact she is doing it to get a reaction out of me, and as much as I try to fight it, my smile is sincere. 

The moment I have been dreading arrives as she pulls into the parking lot. Nothing pout of the ordinary, we always do this, and walk in together until we need to part ways. Only difference now is I see Erica make a direct line towards us.

As always she is happy to see me, but just as expected her excitement is ten folded. I’m still not sure what exactly happened between them, and I am in no rush to hear any details. All I can hope for is that Amy sees her relationships as private and we can implement a ‘don’t as, don’t tell’ rule.

It seems like forever until that annoyingly bouncy skirt reaches us, but I swallow the bitter pill and muster up as much genuine kindness to mirror her smile.

"Good morning, you two," She says, with a smirk. 

Amy replied with an awkward nod, slightly blushing, but then also says. "Good morning."

There is a strange tension between the three of us, and I instantly realize that I am literally third wheeling. I can tell that Erica is about to say something, but I spare us all the awkwardness by excusing myself and leaving before either can react. The bell rings and I breathe a sigh of relief, realizing that neither of them will be chasing after me. Not that I expect them to, but now the can’t

Again I spend my day avoiding Amy, only this time I am much more subtle about it. If I sit with her at lunch, then I can spend the rest of the day turning away without being accused. I’m not sure how long she will play along with my excuse of needing time, but for now I’ll take all I can get. 

When I walked into the cafeteria, I see that Amy is sitting alone at the table. Xander and Angie must not have arrived yet. I start making my way over and can't help the smile that appears on my face. By the time I reach I had a full-blown grin on my face.

"What's up with you?" She said with a smile.

"Oh nothing, just having a good day," I say with a shrug.

She raised her eyebrow. "Okaaaaaay..." And then smiles.

We are talking briefly when Erica walked up and sits across from us. I want to flinch, but I know it’s not fair of me. I need to constantly remind myself that Erica is not a bad person and that I’m just jealous. I sigh internally, well at least she didn't bring her lunch, so she's not staying.

"So there is another game Friday." Amy looks up a bit confused, She’s never been very interested in football, so why would she care now. "Well it's a really big game, against one of our rival schools, and we are going all out. The school, the marching band, the cheerleaders." 

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