Chapter 15- The Unexpected

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"I know."

"A uhm child meloster. He was taking them from the parks. In front of everyone and no one knew. How could no one notice?"

I started to hear his voice crack and I knew he was on the verge of tears.

"Listen, you're the reason that didn't keep happening. Spencer you're a hero. Eveyone knows it, I wish you'd realize it too."

"Come on, I have to go to work."

"Why? It's our day off."

"Not anymore. Case was called in ten minutes ago."

My face dropped.

"But I-"

He looked at me, his eyes sparkled. They always did that, he had this type of glow about him that mezmorized me. I didn't wanna make him feel bad over something I know he can't control.

"What is it Dannie?"

"Nothing, I'll drive you." I forced a smile at him.

As I drove we were both quiet. He was dreading going to work again and I had a million things running through my mind.

I walked him to his desk and gave him a kiss goodbye. Beofre I left I turned back around.

"Hey um, when you get home, can we maybe go out to eat or something? We haven't done it in a while."

Spencer smiled and his cheeks got a little rosy. No matter how long we date, he will always blush for me and I find it to be the cutest thing.

"Yeah, I'd like that. I'll call you when I come home."


A whole week has passed. I've missed Spencer like crazy but he finally called. I slipped into a red dress and black boots. I even curled my hair and put on a bit of makeup. I want tonight to be perfect.

Spencer walked in and he stopped all movement as soon as he saw me. He threw his arms around me and squeezed tightly.

"I missed you so much." I said.

"I missed you too, you look beautiful." Spencer released the hug and looked at me again. "All this for me?"

I smiled. "Only you."

"Let me go clean up and we will be on our way." He assured as he pecked my lips and hurried to the bedroom.

After about ten minutes he walked out, grabbed the keys and walked us to the car.


"I don't understand why you would order chocolate milk." He laughed.

"Hey! It's good! Don't judge Dr. Reid."

He looked at me with the biggest smile.


"Nothing you're just, really pretty."

I blushed as I took a bite of my steak. About two hours later we were getting ready to leave. As he asked the waiter for the check I worked up the courage to confess to him.


He looked at me concerned. "Yes?"

"I have to tell you something. I haven't known very long but...I'm pregnant."

To my suprise, his face lit up in...excitment?

"Really?" He asked with a smile that was probably hurting his cheeks.

"Yeah, I took two tests this morning...You're not mad?"

"What? No! Of course not, Daniella I've always wanted children. I'm so glad its with you."

He took my hands in his.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We started to lean in and just like that, in the fraction of a second, I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach. I didn't exactly realize what happened. Until I looked down and saw my stomach bleeding.

Spencer saw and his face dropped. I felt numb and wet. I fell to the floor and Spencer rested my head on his lap.

All I could hear was a man screaming..."I didn't mean to shoot her! I didn't mean it, she was just in the way!"

Then I heard Spencer screaming for someone to call the paramedics through his sobs. He looked down at me, his cheeks wet with salty tears.

"You're gonna be okay baby." He whispered frantically.

I couldn't really feel anything at first, I was more freaking out over how much blood was spilling out of me. I started getting really tired and tried to close my eyes. Spencer patted my cheek and I reopened them.

"Don't you die on me Daniella. Come on don't do this. Not again, I can't do this again."

Suddenly the adrenaline was out of my system and the peircing pain seemed to hit me so fast and hard. I then began to cough up blood. The look in Spencer's face was pure panic.

"WHERE'S THE GODDAMN MEDIC!" He shouted, but no one seemed to answer.

I gathered that the man who shot me was a robber. He tried to shoot the gun some where random to scare everyone and accidentally hit me.

It felt like my wound was pulsing, every pulse felt like a hammer pounding on my stomach. Between the panic and pain my breathing quickened and I started sweating. The pool of blood on the floor got bigger.

Well this was a odd way to die, I mean after everything I overcame this is how I go out? And now my baby is going out with me? I looked at Spencer with the realization that I'm gonna die.

"I'm sorry." I choked out.

"No, no, no. Don't you're gonna be okay."

"I love you."

He started sobbing even more hysterically after I closed my eyes.

"No please, I love you Daniella please!"

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

-well this is the end! if you read this far thank you so much! let me know what you guys think!-

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