Chapter 9- Peaceful

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My head was pounding, I felt like a brick was thrown at me. My stomach had a sharp pain and my mouth kept wattering eventhough my lips were dry. Dont throw up, dont throw up, dont throw up. I thought.

"Hey there, you're finally awake."

I opened my eyes to see the man with dirty blonde hair and green eyes smiling at me. I looked around to see I was in some sort of abandoned factory. The chains around my wrists and ankles were rubbing against my skin irritating it.

"Francis, I'm gonna kill you." My voice was raspy and weak.

"Is that so baby?"

"May not be today, may not be tomorrow, but I'll kill you."

"Well you might wanna wait on that. Oh how I've missed you, and your...features."

He got closer and whispered the last part in my ear. It sent goosebumps through my body, not in the good way. I cringed at the smell of his breath.

Francis took out a tray of literal torture devices. He cleaned off a knife and smiled at me maliciously. He began to hum, the insufferable sound caused my eyes to roll.

He kneels down and unbuttons my shirt, exposing my bra. He then slwoly makes a deep cut going across my chest. I winced at the pain, but I didn't wanna scream, I didn't want him to get the satasfaction. As hes about to continue cutting somewhere else he stops.

"No, I have a better idea." He states as he starts to remove his belt.

It took everything in me to hold back the tears because I knew exactly what was coming next.

-45 minutes later-

I have a huge bruise on my cheekbone. He punched me for being disobedient and fighting him. He then lifted his knife to my throat. A sound inturrupted him and he rolled his eyes.

"Of all the times to get a damn call." He answered the phone aggressively.

"What?" His annoyed face turned into a smile. "Is Dr. Reid there?"

I lifted my head, suddenly I got a burst of hope.

"I'll give him and him only proof of life, Garcia." He waited for a few moments. "Why hello Dr. Reid. Ah yes, patience shes right here."

He put the phone to my ear.

"Spencer?" My voice cracked. I could feel the tears behind my eyes.

"Daniella! Dannie you're okay oh my God."

"No Spence, I'm really not."

He paused. "I'm gonna bring you home. Listen to me theres something I wanna sa-"

His voice was cut off my Francis putting the phone back to his ear.


Francis just laughed. I had some sort of hope now at least. Garcia called him and he wasn't expecting it, she must have found a way to track the phone right? Right? After a few more words he looked over at me maliciously.

"Are you sure about that Spency? There won't be anymore of her left by the time you get here." He states as he hung up. "Now where were we?"

-Two Weeks Later-

I have cuts and bruises almost everywhere. Hes only...violated me once so thats good I guess. Although I'm quite suprised because before he would do it once a day. My body was incredibly weak from the lack of sleep.
I was trying to go to sleep but then I heard loud noises downstairs. Francis raced up and unties me.

I collapsed onto him causing him to catch me because of how weak I was. He guided me up to the roof, my vision was blurry and I was unsure what was going on.

Francis had a gun to my head which I didn't notice until I felt the cold metal against my skin. He walk me to the edge, I looked down seeing all of the buildings and cars. It made my stomach drop. I tried to scream but it was like I was too weak to, so all I could do was stand there and hope I didn't fall.

Spencer and Emily came crashing through the door with their guns pointing towards Francis.

"Step away from the edge!" Spencer ordered.

"I don't think so."

"Come on Francis we can talk about this." Emily assured.

"No more talking."

At this point I knew what was going to happen, I knew we were going to fall. I worked up the strength to get a few words out of my mouth, I look at Spencer with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry."

He looked at me with defeat as Francis made us fall over the edge. As I was falling I heard Spencer scream...


The gushing air races throughout my whole body. I see the ground getting closer and closer by the second. I started to feel drowsy, as I see the ground below me I slowly close my eyes. For some reason, I felt peaceful.

-should the chapters be longer but i take longer to update? or shorter chapers with more frequent updates?-

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