Chapter 22

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2 weeks earlier

My boss was certainly surprised to see me walk in for my shift. My coworker did explain what he knew and my boss was completely understanding and said to take all the time I need, that my job will be waiting for me when I'm ready.

He doesn't say anything, just gives me a look asking if I'm good to work. I nod and add a small smile, as big a smile I could handle at least.

I'm assuming my boss tried to let me do my job without anyone giving me shit. Coworkers at least. All my coworkers are already amazing and understanding, I bet they all could tell they needed to give me some space unless absolutely necessary.

I gave myself two weeks to wallow in pain and self pity. Now it's time to move on. Concentrate on work and not Cate. I know that will be easier said than done, but that is what must be. I need to forget her.

The night went on slowly. Serving drinks doesn't exactly always pass the time. The conversations with the customers help, but not enough. I asked my boss if I could work till closing to make up for the couple weeks I didn't come in. I think he was hesitant, but thankfully said it was okay.

There are only a handful of people who are here this close to closing. All are regulars. I wasn't expecting the door to open and someone to enter. Looking over, I see the brightest dyed orange hair I'd ever seen.

"What can I get for you?" I lean on my hands, probably more friendly than intended.

"A whiskey is sounding very appealing right about now..." they return the playfulness without hesitation. I get the their drink and place it on a napkin I grabbed from below. They lift the glass, swirling it around before taking a sip.

"I was just looking for an honest drink after work, but let's say I can convince you to keep me company instead?" I am slightly shocked but at the same time not. I have been hit on like this before.

"I don't even know your name now do I?" They smile and slightly shake their head. They place the glass down and offer a hand, a smirk now on their face.

"Royal. They/them" I accept their hand eagerly. The use of pronouns upon proper introduction is honestly refreshing.

"Amanda. She/her" our hands are intertwined longer than what is considered an appropriate handshake. Their fingertips start to rub seductively against the palm of my hand and I giggle from the sensation.

They fix their orange curly hair and take another drink from their whiskey. I move a piece of hair behind my ear and wait for them to make eye contact again. In the middle of there sip, their eyes finally reconnect with mine and the intrigue and mystery of this person has worked.

"Is that offer to keep you company still valid?" Slowly, their fingers glide down my cheek and neck. The feather light touch gives me the full idea of what my night will be like if I continue down this path. The idea of a one night stand with this human being sounds good. Considering the heartbreak in the foreground of my life right now.

I clock out and bring Royal out the back. I pin them against the brick wall and let my primal instincts take over. Their lips against mine is in general a very familiar feeling, yet the tenderness and pure intentions aren't anymore. This is a whole different person. This isn't Cate.

We ended up on my bike and headed towards my place. How that worked out is kinda a blur, mostly because I let go of all that I had cared about moments before.

It wasn't completely unexpected when it was my back that hit my bed and not theirs. I didn't mind, it was nice to not feel the need to control the situation. I could feel their anticipation as clothes were being ripped off quickly.

They took the necessary precautions before moving forward after I successfully had them completely nude. It was an experience that I hadn't had it felt from another in awhile. The situation as a whole did the job it had been assigned previously.

Laying there after, our heartbeats returning to normal, they roll over to fall asleep. I stare up at the ceiling, the fact that I hadn't been in my bed in close to a week hit me like a bus. My first time back just so happened to be a one night stand.

I look over at Royal, they look so peaceful. Their face shows nothing of their stress or anxiety they could potentially have on a daily basis. Their energy definitely helped me calm down.

I bring myself closer to them, holding them in a more protective manner. They bring me closer, telling me they are still somewhat conscious. I let myself melt, relishing the sensation of another human being lying next to me. As I find myself finally falling asleep, the image that the person I'm holding slowly turns from Royal, to Cate.

I ignore my sense of yearning, falling asleep after a night of adult fun.


Authors Note:

I'm so sorry for almost a month between updates... I've been dealing with school, mental health, and slight technical problems. But I'm back!! And I'll be sure to post Thursday too so I can get back on schedule.

Thank you so much for reading!! Please consider voting and commenting anything!! Constructive criticism is gladly accepted!

Love You!!!

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